...of doing the Isaiah 6:1-13 exegesis.
I've not done this in a while...camwhoring I mean...and boy, I look weird...Today, I have something nice to look forward to. My dinner-date with a dearly missed friend - Rachel.
Yesterday, Ben and I asked one another this question... "So... what makes your temper flare?"
This morning God spoke to me through His Word in 1 Corinthians 8-9.
I somehow realized that the things that make my temper flare have such an effect, because... I insist on
my rights too much, and if I feel that someone or something has denied me of any of them, I'd assume that a great injustice has been done to me.
Not fair, I cry.
I deserve more... something better! With great expectations (here, I mean too-high ones), come greater disappointments.
Rights are usually for receiving... and there is nothing wrong with defending or using them of course - but if denying any one of these rights
means an act of kindness to another in that one moment in time - why not? Why should I get so worked up and sweat the small stuff?
Why should I grow cranky and speak coldly to the restaurant owner who has forgotten to serve me the meal which I ordered ages ago?
Why should I get cranky when Ben picks me up late for a date? (Note: he is usually a punctual person)
Why should I bear grudges against a fellow team-mate who did not do as much as I did in a team project, and yet receives the same reward as I?
Again, God teaches me about His love and grace through lessons like this. His death on the cross as penalty for my sins is an unfair exchange. But He loved... so He gave... even His very own life to redeem His beloved.
He denied Himself all rights... so that I can have the right to live. So that I would not have to receive the wages of my sins.
Death O death... where is your sting?Can we beat that grace?
God, please make me a gracious person.