Monday, September 6, 2010

Ice Kacang & Puppy Love...

I thought I'd watch 'Ice Kacang Puppy Love' for laughs yesterday night...Armed myself with chips and stuff. The results were unbelievable.

I ended up howling and bawling like a baby instead. (Much to Ben's bewilderment, poor guy...) *Wet eyes, sniffling nose and alot of toilet paper displaced from the bathroom into the dustbin, soggy from their brief encounter with my nose...*

Sigh... Ah well, I liked it that it was so real - not your typical 'Happily after ever' ending. It is how most of my 'stories' ended in the past too... so it just reminded me of a few people I know... *cough* Also, it was a very good, touching and artistic Malaysian production, I am proud to say. Highly recommended.

Malaysia boleh!

Nevertheless, an emofy-ing dream plagued my sleep last night. To my surprise, the person I thought and dreamt of texted me this morning... out of the blue! Life is full of surprises, I know... but this cannot be a co-incidence I think. Perhaps, it is a clear sign that I should pray more fervently for her. Lord, please give her the rainbow of your covenant.

I had lunch with Ee Ling this afternoon, for which I am uberly grateful. You see, in the past few days, I have been trying to pray and figure out what to do about my life. Today, I voiced out my thoughts to E.L, and she was so encouraging about it that I feel so assured now. Man, I seem to be walking the most unconventional paths ever -___-" ...But if this is the way to stay in the center of God's will... I'd love to say this some day: "It has been great adventure...It also has been great fun..." ~ and Jesus shall be my Lord forever and ever.I'm on a mission!!!


Kevin Evans Tay said...

i want to watch... i haven't watch it :P

mozozozo said...

you make me want to watch it too....but I dont want to cry...otherwise my new housemates will think I'm a complete weirdo who never seems to eat cause she doesn't cook, plays melancholic violin music and cries at night >.<


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