Friday, September 24, 2010

Grace Moo - 8/4/2008

"...God, I thank Thee for a most beautiful journey through medical school. Through my years of eating disorders. Through the valley of the shadow of death. And along the paths Thou hast guided me upon, by Thy mercy and grace.

A beautiful journey, that road to remember

Has many stories to tell...

Of tears and sorrow, sickness and pain

Yet, also the Healer's touch that makes well.

Of those days when the clouds hid the moon

or when the sun refused to shine

Yet, also the comfort of prayer and the strength it brings

through abiding closely in the Vine...

The songs we have sung to awaken the dawn

Will forever remain in my heart

When I wake again to greet the morn,

jubilant joy these impart!

A friend's embrace, many a meaningful word,

Helping hands that never tire or grow less

And people who willingly walk the extra mile...

With all these I've been greatly blessed...."



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