Tuesday, September 28, 2010

From the desk of the Blogger...

My fiance made a meaningful mention a few days ago about how we can still function quite well without the power of God in our lives. I mean - we are talented human beings, with all kinds of skills. We are quite capable of coming up with programs and projects that look good and are in fact, excellent... If we tried hard enough, we would be impressive.

We are also impatient beings. Today, everything needs to be fast and faster. In this era of modern technology, a life of luxury entails access to the swiftest services the world can offer... and affords a myriad of gadgets, vehicles and machines to conveniently help us get things done much quickly than before.

This is an era of speed. Period.

Left behind is the habit of waiting on God.

Christians, if we are truly honest with ourselves... we would find ourselves not spared from making the mistake of doing things for God depending on our own strength or wisdom - at least once in our lifetime. Being human, we sometimes cannot help but to be caught up with the ways of the world.

We neglect the spiritual discipline of waiting on God... More action. More programs. More. "Bless our plans today, God!" we cry. What happened to, "God, what would you like me to do today?"

However, we can only do this much. Without God, we ultimately accomplish nothing that bears eternal significance. Jesus said in John 15:5 - "I am the Vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."

Pst. Jeya once shared with us some chim-elogy :P - "Did Jesus say that apart from Him we cannot do anything? No. In fact, we can do something. However it is still nothing."

To quote Ben, "The power of God may seem insignificant in our human ambition to achieve great successes... but it is everything. Without it, we act for the temporary... with God, we act for the eternal."



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