Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday steam...

It's still today. I am still stuck in Isaiah 6:1-13... and tomorrow hasn't arrived.

These 2 weeks are very, very busy weeks indeed. Loads of unfinished assignments, school begins next week, worship-leading in chapel this coming Tuesday, playing the piano in chapel on Wednesday and I'm flying off to Singapore on the 17th to get down there in time for a conference on Saturday the 18th (the only thing I am looking forward to at this time).

I feel so burdened and worried... >.< God, help!!!

Thankfully one of my lecturers (for Church, Child and Mission) gave me an extension on deadline.

To make myself feel better, I downed an extra gigantic and chunky chocolate-chip-and-almond cookie after a greasy lunch this afternoon. *burp* mmm....mmm........mmmmmmm......

A gym workout will add even more endorphins... I was at R.H gym yesterday venting my frustrations... now, my thighs are pleasantly aching. LOL. However, I am not sure if this will be feasible today... (I think I need a proper gym membership somewhere nearer to my house...)

More than anything, I need God!

Thankfully, I don't have to be anywhere tonight.



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