Friday, September 3, 2010

Third Day... and at a cross of roads...

Third day of shoving my way through pages of words, still hoping for key-words to light up in neon and digging out all the relevant data I can get (without plagiarism - how tempting)!

Thank God for a good break from the exegesis last night though. Had dinner with my beautiful friend, Rachel, whose faith always encourages and inspires me somehow. Later in the evening, Ben took me out for a drink at the mamak stall. I continued my assignments after we slurped down the last of our iced milos. *alas* Nevertheless, I ended the 'earlier' part of my evening with a big smile!

After a nearly sleepless night (brain went over-active after the vigorous mental exercises), I had to roll out of bed early this morning to drive to MBTS for a appointment with our academic dean. (Yes, I made an appointment with Dr. Sunny out of desperation...)

Great. I am right smack on yet another crossroads.

Basically Dr. Sunny gave me another option in pursuing my studies at MBTS - which actually (now that I think of it) fits better with my situation... i.e. Master of Christian Studies (MCs).

MCs offers much of the foundation needed if I were to pursue a more specific major in the future, while covering the relevant areas of equipping for servant leadership or full-time church vocation even... I am starting to feel more and more that M.Div is really too long a course for one who is not sure that she is called to be a pastor.... and even so, Dr. Sunny said that MCs would suffice.

If I do switch to MCs, I will be able to graduate end of next year (no internship needed), start working in a field of interest, be free of assignments and gosh... the best part? - I can finally bless people (and Rachel Chan won't have to threaten me with the nasi lemak thingy :P - coz I will be able to buy her better meals...and she cannot stop me from paying anymore...)

Dr. Sunny's words echo in my head. "Do you really need an M.Div?" Seriously, if M.Div is just going to be an academic title for me, then why should I need to pursue it so ardently? Ultimately, servanthood in the Kingdom of God is about the heart. With MCs, the right heart and the Holy Spirit, what more can I ask for?

Having said that, I am still not sure of course. I need to pray about this.


mozozozo said...

wow. interesting option...but what will change when you change to that masters?


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