Saturday, November 20, 2010


It's been a nerve-wrecking day so far... with loads of aggravating factors, a flare of eczema... and my own crankiness...



ME 103 - handed up

4.32am. Praise God.

Mission trip prep next.... and worship practice with Angela Khong and team at 10am in the morning...

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Too distracted to write about the Orang Asli and history of Christian mission among them.

My work did not progress much today... It did yesterday though, in leaps and bounds - and therefore I still should give thanks...

Also, I did not call off XW's piano class... I am so proud of myself. I still think that I am not really cut out to be a teacher - whether one who teaches piano or English.

Ben did have the breakthrough he needed in his work. PRAISE GOD! Thanks so much for the loving prayers, peeps! God has been faithful and gracious.

Dined with sister, Yvonne - at Bella Italia, Pulau Tikus. I enjoyed everything. From the food, the fellowship, the chit-chat, the catch-up...and best of all, the meal was a blessing from I could relax (hehe) and enjoy all of the above without worrying about my wallet growing slimmer...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Public holiday today - but Ben and I are still working...

However we did have the advantage of being able to meet up for lunch. It was awesome. God is awesome. We prayed together before we ate, and we are now hoping for a breakthrough in Ben's work hiccup.

Blessed birthday to my lil' sister, Zoey - who will turn 23 today.

Back to my research paper - and a gym session in the evening.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Spiritual attacks!!!

Please pray against these...

Ben and I are one week to our mission trip to Long Lamai, Sarawak...

May God frustrate the plans of the enemy to discourage us this week. Pray for Ben's work - things are kelam-kabuting suddenly and he is sleep-deprived. For myself, against nightmares. For the both of us, against temptations, illnesses and whatever it takes to bring us down.

Jesus reigns.

Lotsa love, people.

Missing you...


I've been having writer's block when it comes to song-writing lately. Perhaps I need a spiritual retreat. Not just so that I can write songs... but more so that my relationship with God may be strengthened. I feel awfully dry lately, thanks to everything - assignments especially. glad that I'll graduate next year already.

Not a very good 'shape' to go for mission trip, right? I really need God.

My sister, Zoey, graduates today - just a day before her 23rd birthday. Dad will be there for her... with the tiny bottle of 'family scent'. I know it may seem weird - but I find it so cool that the Moo family has this tradition: whoever graduates gets use that perfume on their graduation day. LOL. My dad used it in his graduation way way back... I used it on my MB Bch BAO graduation (6.7.08) from PMC... My sister will use it today... and next year, I will use it again, when I graduate from MBTS! Hehe.

In case you were wondering - this is NOT a joke! :)

One more down...

Witnessing Verbatim is done. *Pushes it aside*

One more research paper to complete before mission trip. Just do it, Grace Moo!!!

Didn't do much today except to go for my therapy (the wonders of a good massage), rush assignments and eat dinner with my 'extended family' a.k.a the Wongs.

I think I need to go shopping for stuff to bring to Sarawak some time this week...


Monday, November 15, 2010


Went for my bridal fitting...

Tried on dress after dress after dress... and praise the Lord- I finally made 6 final selections...

After the bridal fitting, Ben and I had a 'binging session' at Super Tanker.

Now that the weekend is over, I feel kinda guilty :P - but will get on track again today...

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I feel that...God used the lil' boy toddler I played with this afternoon to touch my life in a most special way :) ~ Even though we mostly grinned and giggled at one another, I had to keep running to-and-fro across the hallway just in case he fell (he was either going after his pet giraffe or Giant Ladybug)... and he kept spitting bits of chewed berries and biscuits into my hand before begging for more...
Sweet Ern Jie...

Perhaps, it was God's way of helping me to have His peace amidst my many struggles... The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these...

Little children.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fitness Friday...

Had a nice birthday celebration for Ben's dad last night - at Song River, along Gurney Drive. We ate loads! The sambal sting-ray was the best... me love! :) *Slurp* After dinner, Ben and I went on a spontaneous movie-date... We watched 'Takers' at Prangin Mall with popcorn.

Today, I went gym-ing and swimming at RH's. It was awesome. I didn't do too heavy stuff - just perhaps 25 minutes plus on the elliptical trainer (which was a major achievement for me! Usually I get so sien that I get off before 20 minutes are up! Hee hee...), some stretching, lat pulls and toning with light-weights... After about 40-45 minutes in the gym, I went for a dip in the pool... swam about 30 laps... and then retired with happy sighs. Rewarded myself with a yummy-licious, generous serving of chicken pie for lunch (I did consider Mcdonald's...but I thought I'd have it sometime this weekend instead)...

Confession: I love pastries...

Yeah, in case you were wondering - what's up with my sudden fitness fanaticism - since my school hols began this week, I have been trying to increase my stamina for mission trip among other stuff... Swimming on alternate days (45 mins to an hour per session) - and today, I added a session at the gym.

I was reminded of something: I will probably never go back to fad diets after this... For me, keeping trim is not a matter of cutting out foods and keeping to a 'safe list' like some weight-loss specialists recommend (FYI: Safe foods are great - definitely eat more vegies and fruits by all means, but if I have nothing but safe foods or health-foods, I'd probably go on some 'unsafe' food rampage after at most, 2 weeks of such efforts! Eating safe-foods will probably never become a lifestyle...) - but having everything in moderation and exercising regularly. (I said, regularly - not excessively! 3-4 times a week, 30-45 minutes per session should be great) It is not about missing out on birthday parties and social events just so that you are able to skimp on the calories... It is not about consuming so little calories per day that you drag through the day feeling fatigued and mentally exhausted from malnutrition... It is not about having just oats for dinner at night (unless you are a donkey/horse/rabbit!) And it is certainly not about trying to burn off every calorie you've consumed by the end of the day.

Everything in moderation. Watch your portions but don't over-do it. Be healthy.

I know, I know... I sound like a goodie-goodie two shoes... *cringe* But I've gone through every kind of diet and I've had my days obsessing over the calories - but still, the conventional way works best, long-term. My body tells me when I've consumed enough calories for the day, I don't count 'em anymore. Sometimes, I am aware that I've gone over my limits - but I don't fuss over it like I used to do... I'd just be a little wiser the next time. Yes, and I never go to sleep worrying about food nowadays! :)

Going out for mamak midnight suppers once in a while is still OK. Just don't do it everyday.

Eating potato chips at midnight while watching a movie once in a while is still OK. Just don't do it everyday.

Having a spontaneous ice-cream cone from Mcd's (after CG/ MLM at church) once in a while is still OK. Just don't do it every night.

Get moving. It keeps your metabolism up and gives you endorphins.

Eat substantial, nutritious meals... so that you don't feel hungry in between meals - and start snacking on anything you can get your hands on. I try to eat between 3-5 meals a day (including my afternoon tea)...

10 more days to mission trip.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

MIL-to-be :)

I haven't been blogging too diligently in the past few days (or weeks).

To my beloved prayer partners, mentors, mentees, close friends and family members who always read my blog for updates so that you can pray for me - my utmost apologies! I certainly hope that I'll be able to blog more after my November mission trip! :) Keep my team in prayer please... We will be in Sarawak (Miri and Long Lamai) from the 23rd to 30th of November. Almost half of our team is ill too - probably some kind of spiritual attack.

Something on my thoughts lately...because of a bout of illness (another acute exacerbation of asthma secondary to upper respiratory tract infection) - Ben has been sick for quite a while too (resulting in more than 3 medical consultations). Subsequently, Ben's mum has been double-boiling loads of delicious bird-nest soup for Ben and myself...traditionally believed to help nourish the lungs (and from what I know - bird-nest soup is a kind of beauty potion, haha!).

I am just so thankful that I have great parents-in-law-to-be...

Well, I did have my share of difficulties in my courtship. No wonder they say that marriage is the most difficult relationship in the world - loving one another and being faithful requires both parties to work hard at it sometimes... However, I am blessed that God chose to bless me in this area - with regards my in-laws. That I do not have to play hard to impress them or win their acceptance. And my children will not have to suffer from any bitterness/hurts incurred from my bad relationship with my mother-in-law. The typical stuff you see on Asian drama series... :P
(You can tell that I'm an avid fan of those!)

Ben's mum for instance - I think she would make one of the best M.I.L's in the world. She never expects me to help out with the housework whenever I drop into Ben's place. The house is always super clean and neat (that I am often afraid that Ben might expect me to keep our future home the same way too :P) and I am always well-fed and well-nourished with the best homemade food in the world! Whenever I am sick, Ben's mum always invites me to their home so that she can fuss over me. Whenever I use the swimming pool downstairs, she'd wash my wet things even when I try to hide them from her. Then she always takes my side when Ben bullies me and chides him, "Don't bully her la! She has no mother!" LOLx.

Then of course, Ben being 'Ben' would retort: "If she has a mother, then can I bully her?"

Also, as some of you know, I have been giving English tuition for the past 2 months or so - and the cash has helped me tremendously with my monthly expenses. Last week, my student decided that she would stop the tuition classes - because she was going to fly back to Korea for good. So there went my wages too! :D When Ben's mum heard about that, she secretly told Ben, "You can give me less allowance each month - and give her some of the money you usually give me la..."

Of course, Ben did not do that! I wouldn't have allowed him to do that anyway... Besides that, we are not married yet - so there is no need for him to provide for me at this moment in time. :D

These are of course just a few examples of how amazingly kind she has been to me. I admire her giving spirit - coz she gives even though she doesn't expect any benefit from the giving and she jolly well knows that I won't be able to repay her anytime soon - at least not in cash! She is really a mother to me.

Then again, it always touches my heart and blesses me to see how happy and thankful she is every time I try to do something nice for her.

Recently, I've been on a mission to help her understand the Bible. OK, not exactly in the Bible-teacher sort of way.

You see, my MIL-to-be loves reading God's Word, copying them down in a notebook and meditating on the essence of the Word (her devotion puts me to shame)... but she often struggles with the English vocabulary in her Bible. By God's grace, I was sitting down at the table where she usually does her Bible studies, enjoying a bowl of fresh bird-nest soup - just perhaps over the weekend... when I happened to turn over a page in her Bible. There were some underlined words (which she did not understand) and above these words, Ben's dad had written some simple explanations of those words... some in English and some in Hokkien! I laughed at some of the explanations of course... My MIL-to-be also laughed because she saw me laughing. Then I realized that the highlighted words in her notebook were words that she did not understand.

That was when our merciful and gracious God planted a brilliant idea in my head...

Why not write down simple explanations for those chim English words - in expressions that Ben's mum can best understand? (For example: 'Gossip' means "talk (bad) about people behind their backs whether true or not") Or even draw pictures to illustrate those words? Perhaps, she won't let me touch the housework or help her cook or give her money... but surely, the much-needed explanations of these words so essential to aid her understanding of God's Word - she would accept? :D

God is amazing!!!

It has been awesomely fun. Praise God!

It was even more rewarding when Ben sent me a text 2 nights ago saying, "Dear, you made my mum so happy. Haha!"

It's Ben's dad's birthday today. We are all going to celebrate by eating out at Song River.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9/11/2010 =)

Ben's parents had a simple but beautiful birthday celebration for Ben last night. We went out for bak-kut-teh after Ben was done with his work.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Had quite a busy weekend.

Ben celebrated another birthday yesterday alongside a few other November babies in our combined CG :) ~ The party went well, praise God.

Swam 50 laps today. Yes... the training for Sarawak Mission trip has begun, as promised.

Wedding dress fitting this Sunday. Thanks to my body weight tendency to fluctuate, I am just a teeny bit worried that I might lose some weight after my mission trip (and beyond)...and the dresses are gonna be super loose after that... :(

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Ran some errands at Tesco's Supermarket today... when I bumped into someone whom I haven't seen in ages.

We still do not know how to respond to each other - so we just smiled a little awkwardly and waved.

I'm just comforted that God knows my heart.

It was not something that I could have helped, although I always feel bad about things. I do not have to blame myself or anyone for what has taken place. Things just happened the way they happened. History can not be changed...but I can choose look at it in a positive manner - and be assured that God does make things work together for the good of those who trust Him. By the grace and strength of the Lord.

Look at it this way ~ You know the story of King David and Bathsheba? I used to blame her for causing the king's downfall... but today, I look at the story otherwise. You cannot blame her entirely - what was the king doing in the middle of the night, taking a leisurely stroll on the rooftop? Bathsheba's bathing was probably not in a public place, but behind the walls of an enclosed courtyard. She had not expected to be seen, since the King was, after all, supposed to be out in the battlefield with her husband. 2 Samuel 11:3-4 subsequently records, 'So David sent and inquired about the woman. And one said, "Is this not Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?" David sent messengers and took her, and when she came to him, he lay with her; and when she had purified herself from her uncleanness, she returned to her house.'

I'm not saying that I can relate much to Bathsheba, haha. However, I often wonder how Bathsheba felt when she was being brought into the king's presence. If she had resisted, she would have risked execution for defying the King. So she didn't have much of a choice, did she?

So this is where she comes into the picture. Suddenly, she was linked to David - and all of his past, present and future! She would have to share in the consequences of his past mistakes if any... and of course God later turned her plight around into a blessing by including her into the lineage of Christ.

Then again, I always wonder how she felt when the first child she conceived out of David's sin died. Bathsheba, though a part of the king's household, had to now live humiliated in disgrace in the midst of the king's other wives and concubines. If I were her, I would have complained bitterly to God, "Why? It wasn't my fault!"

She did not. I admire her strength and courage. I really need the same strength and courage for my own circumstances.

I also admire King David for earnestly repenting before the Lord. It made all the difference. His marriage with Bathsheba was later sanctified and blessed by God Himself.

This story reminds me of God's unsurpassed grace. I know that this grace is helping me today.

Friday...Term break begins....

...but our assignments have not ended.

With Ben at the Church Leaders' Planning Retreat... I had the whole evening to myself.

Now, I know... when we were in different continents a few months ago, it was quite normal for me to spend my Friday evenings alone. I can't even remember what I did on Fridays... Perhaps, I'd hang out with my friends or catch a movie on my own. Usually, I am able to keep myself occupied some way. (This sometimes makes me feel like a cat - all cool and independent, watchful and unruffled...tee hee!!!)Today, I just did not know what to do with the sudden absence of Ben on a Friday night. I guess I have been too busy the past few days to plan. Everywhere was way too crowded, thanks to the public holiday... I had already gotten myself stuck in a few traffic jams... Queensbay Mall was absolutely swarming with excited shoppers and movie-goers... (Yes, I was there for some errands)... *Phew* I ended up having dinner alone, and returning to my cave...where I could rest in peace.

Yeah... feeling all anti-social and snappy at the many reckless drivers on the road too. Grrrr... Why can't some people just keep to their own lanes... why drive in between two lanes? And why suddenly move to a different lane without signaling while I am charging forward with my foot down on the accelerator? Do you know it's rude, annoying and dangerous? *Honks loudly* @_@ ~ Aihhh.....

Today was just one of those awfully weird days in history. I didn't even feel like shopping. To say nothing of continuing with my assignments...

So burnt out!!! >.<

It doesn't help that the training for Penan M.T starts tomorrow. Really, I am so grateful that I have Uncle Roland (a seminary classmate) from Sarawak to advise me on how I should prepare for the trip. He even offered to lend me a mosquito nets and a sarong! And of course...thanks to Mel Choong and Joycelyn who helped brief me about the conditions there... I am so getting ready my kutu shampoo, mosquito repellants/nets... and haha, motion sickness pills. I honestly feel apprehensive about the hiking with 7 kg backpack for 2 hours... Hopefully, it's not uphill. Ben and I don't have very strong lungs. He's not yet recovered from his acute exacerbation of bronchitis/ - and I am having an acute exacerbation of asthma secondary to a respiratory tract infection. How timely! :P No, I am not kidding.

Plus, the last time I climbed up Youth Park hill (in 2007 - yes, phobia already...) I nearly fainted from dyspnoea... :P After the vigorous exercise and a few puffs from my Salbutamol inhaler, I descended the hill with wobbly legs. It was so embarrassing. I never went up there again.

So please cheer me on in my quest to increase my fitness and stamina by the 23rd of November.

Past few days... I have been both nearly conned by manipulative business people who prey on my vulnerabilities and weaknesses... But thank God, there was an opportunity to minister to at least one stranger person this week, again in the most unlikely places.

Friday, November 5, 2010

She heard from the Lord...

Six years ago, Laura, Cynthia and I made a covenant to watch each others' backs with regards to our personal walks with Jesus. I remember that particular Sunday someone shared about David and Jonathan in church. Instantaneously, the three of us decided that we would be each others' Davids and Jonathans. We got Cindy Ryan, our church's prayer co-ordinator to pray over us. It was beautiful...and today, this remains a precious memory.

The three of us, celebrating my 20th birthday at Acapulco...and Abishek, a dear brother who taught me loads about worship-leading and humility...

For many years after that, we would fast on Tuesdays to pray for one well as for our families. We called that day the 'Blazing Furnace'. Beautiful things happened. We could still see God working mightily long after we stopped having 'Blazing Furnace'. I can't even remember why we stopped. It must have been a very valid reason. Nevertheless, we kept our relationships going. (You can read about them in my previous blog)

My two jies made my days in Dublin especially sweet. In fact, Cyn was my housemate two-and-a-half years in a row and my roommate during my last year in we were a little closer to one another than we were to Laura... I mean, how can you not be close to the one whose cute and gentle snores you hear almost every day? :P (Here, I speak for both Cyn and myself!)

Cyn and I, Christmas 2006, back in Kuantan

Cyn and I, on a rivercruise in Kuantan, back in 2004.

As room-mates and extremely close spiritual sibblings, Cyn and I had our squabbles... but we always made up. Those squabbles... I only remember vaguely now. More than anything, I remember the times we would curl up on the black sofa to share our hearts. I'd talk about my crushes... and Cyn would tell me to fix my eyes on God... and we would cry and laugh over the most silly things. Sometimes, Cyn would play the guitar while we worshiped God in the cold living room of Apartment 43, St. Patrick's Court. Whenever I wrote new songs, Cyn was usually the first to appraise them. It was also Cyn who saw most of the 'dark side' of me during my eating disordered days... and helped me with my self-image.

Time passed by. Laura jie started her internship in Singapore and got married to her 4-years sweetheart...Cyn was still in Dublin doing her final years in RCSI... while I was doing my final years at PMC in Penang. We grew a little distant while we were so busy with our lives after med school. However, God has been so gracious to keep us in each others' hearts. Covenant sisters we were... and still are... and will always be.

Recently, Cyn and I started contacting one another more actively via sms...

Today, Cyn sent me an sms asking me if I was OK. Said that she had a distressing dream about me... and that I had sent her an sms (in her dream) pleading her to call me.

I struggle with many things silently. Things and thoughts I'd hardly share with others, except perhaps Ben...probably because I am often too proud to let others know that I am not OK. (So please don't ask me what :P...) But seriously, this sms coming from Cyn of all people... whom her dream caught unaware - made me realize that Jesus does watch over me and cares for me... despite my many short-comings. I was also most touched by her timely encouragement.

Cyn, I miss you so much. :')

The promise...

At the heart of Christology is a promise: Jesus will return.

No matter when and how, this is sure: He will return. This promise never fails to prompt an expectation in our hearts and the urgency to respond. Many Christians wonder what the implications of this promise are and whose words of the future they should believe. Contemplation on this fact also causes us to reflect on our own lifestyles, religion and aspirations, as well as challenges the way we have planned to live our lives. Furthermore, we become more aware of the perils of lukewarm faith, wordliness and falling away from God's paths of righteousness.

God is a God of purpose. Therefore, while the Enemy often takes advantage of our uncertainties regarding this promise, our failures and fears, I believe that even the suspense is God-intended. No matter what view each earnest, submissive Christian holds onto regarding the second coming of Christ, the suspense is perhaps a form of God's grace to us as we wait.

First, the suspense seems to humble us so that we would look to God as we wrestle with a crucial dialectic to find the balance between seeking growth in the present and getting in position for the future. When we look to God, we find a reason to live to the hilt of every circumstance we are in today while looking forward to tomorrow. Therefore, we would endure in hope.

Second, the suspense should rouse the fear of the Lord in our hearts as we are reminded of His sovereignty and holiness. Like Isaiah, when we become painfully aware of how short we fall of God's glory, He meets our remorse with grace by reminding us of what Jesus has done for us the first time He came. We remember Christ - the true source for being refashioned - and therefore we hold in balance yet another dialectic tension between our statuses of sinners and saints through faith in Christ.

Third, the suspense should keep us on our toes in fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ, knowing that faithfulness is expected of us whether or not we are sent to people who treat us well. It would be very difficult to be faithful to God's calling if we are not able to love and therefore, we work hard to deny our silken selves. Ultimately, this quest drives us to first seek God. To teach us to love, God enables us to know Him - as He is Love (1 John 4:8).

In conclusion, I believe that the suspense of Christ's returning is God's grace to Christians as we learn hope, faith and love that enable us to persevere in these last days... and finally, these enable us to await the fulfilling of the Great Promise with eager expectation.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Children & Spirituality assignments all handed up. *Major relief* Thank God.

Now for the next mountain to climb: Evangelism & Discipleship... Hopefully I'll finish this in a few days - then I'd be able to complete my final HCD paper before I go off on my expedition into the jungles of Sarawak...

A little back-tracking...

Last Saturday, we had Young Adults Bible Study at William and Janet's cozy abode following a nice home-cooked dinner courtesy of William. We also wanted to celebrate Sau Chan's birthday. After Bible Study, the cake was revealed.... :)

The birthday girl

Choc-cheese cake...

Thus began the November marathon of celebrating birthdays...

Dinner with Lydia: Friday, 29.10.2010

Lydia is the leng-lui next to the geeky-looking girl in pink above...
The geeky-looking girl with her fiance...

Ben's Diner: Monday

Yes... I couldn't wait anymore. Celebrated Ben's birthday in advance (before Church Planning Retreat and the weekend hullabaloos come in, end of this week). We dined in Ben's Diner (at Sunway Tunas) on Monday night... a simple but pleasant affair.
Hot Almond Tea and iced Calamansi
They've got really good cream of mushroom soup... We ordered garlic toast to accompany the soup. They made an awesome combination! :)
Ben's dish arrived first: Salmon in Caper Sauce...
My spicy snapper came next...
So fast... gone?!?!? Can I have more please...?
Have to be content with the almond tea...Yummy it was!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Struggling to keep up with the pace of life. *Inhale* *Exhale* *Inhale* *Exhale*

But thank God, I am surviving. Therefore, I am very glad to say that this is my last week at MBTS this year.

Next year, January, I return as a student in the Master of Christian Studies. It means graduation end of 2011, more quality in assignments and more time with God. It also means that I'd have to slowly start moving into the work I'd be embarking on once I am done with my masters... If this means having to travel more, then traveling is what I'll be doing on a more frequent basis. If this means having to spend more time at home, then let it be so. If this means having to put more effort into writing, then that's what I'm gonna do.

In other words, next year is going to be an exciting year on the whole. It's exciting to be unconventional (because that's generally the pattern for my life - I am not saying that we need to be unconventional all the time) while prayerfully taking every step. It's exciting to take time to wait...rather than rush into great conquests just because I fear that I'd miss out on great opportunities. It's also exciting when it is time to step out in faith and embark on new things, when you clearly know that God is leading you to it. Perhaps, these 7-8 years in God's School of Waiting has been good discipline for me. I am slowly learning not to be the careless and impulsive opportunist I've always been all my life - and walk according to God's timing. While I still have got much to learn, it has been awesome so far.

OK. Back to assignments and meeting deadlines... ttyl!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Wet, cold and shivery. Such a rainy day. They predicted floods in Penang, but thankfully, I have not experienced any yet.

Something I'd love right now: A cup of hot Milo... overflowing with heaps and heaps of the chocolate malt powder.

Thanks to Eunice Ong's brilliant discernment of my musical sense, I can now listen to Laura Fygi's jazz serenades while I cruise down the roads of Penang... mmm... :) Awesomeness! Today, Laura Fygi sang in time to the rain pelting my windscreen as I drove through the more 'historical' part of Penang, pass the monuments. The poetic words seemed to deepen in their meaning as I allowed the music and scenery to mingle. How therapeutic is that!?

Ben and I had an eventful weekend, especially in terms of being involved in the lives of our friends. It's been really good. I am so grateful for such beautiful opportunities to minister along-side Ben and more thankful than ever that he's in the marketplace while I have opted for more involvement in full-time discipleship work. I think these work together to bring out the best in our individual service unto the Lord as well as the marriage mission unique to us. I have learnt alot from Ben in ministry to the non-Christians. At the same time, I am often amused when I see him so gentle to the hurting... rather unlike his usual, humorous self. Then again, it makes me appreciate the tender side of him more ~ and I fall in love with him all over again...

*Swoon* Wait... does that have anything to do with ministry? :P

I digressed.

Anyway, Lydia came over to Penang last weekend. It was so good to see her. Ben and I took her to 'No Eye Deer' restaurant for dinner... and we wound up at the Esplanade for a little sea-breeze and prayer. Sweet moments indeed :) Lydia, love you loads...and thankful for our beautiful friendship. May God continue to teach us great lessons through one another.

Sau Chan, blessed birthday!


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