Tuesday, September 14, 2010

After the long weekend...

School starts tomorrow. *Groan*

I'm rather gloomy today...but I am happy that Ben and I got to have dinner with Matthew and Kevin. I am also thankful that Ben has been ever so sweet to help me get my house ready for school over the long weekend...

You see, we've had major renovation works in here for the past few weeks (coz it's part of the wedding preparations)...In the past 2 weeks, we needed some help with the windows, air-con and awning... and since I was on holiday, we called in the amazing service-providers to help us with the mentioned. As a result, the tiny flat I live in (which will be our first house after we're married) was all dusty-musty and really unpleasant to live in - since I returned from Poland. Things were everywhere, dust was everywhere too... Yes, even my lumpy-bumpy sofa had been given away... and the only comfortable spot was my bed. Ben came to help me clean up the whole place, re-organize, fix the lights, paint the second room... and now, my humble abode looks extremely cosy again even though it's minus my favorite sofa... *snuggles*

If you are wondering why we are getting the house ready now, when the wedding is only in May next year... well, we've been doing the house bit by bit since the beginning of this year... and we plan to continue to do it bit by bit till we begin our lives together as husband and wife. Most of the facelift is D.I.Y - we paint the walls ourselves, put up the shelves ourselves, construct the furnitures... scout around for good bargains (furniture, simple decos, etc) whenever we are free... etc. It is a great way to save money - while God has been so faithful to provide, we felt that we needed to be good stewards of the money and not spend unnecessarily. Planning, designing and working on the house together has also strengthened our relationship. Ben's parents have helped us alot... and it was fun to work together with the family as well (although, I must say...that I do the least work)

Yup, yup...so that's a little about the wedding prep...

And yes... back to what I was saying - the new school term starts tomorrow!!!

Thank God, Dr. Vincent's assignments are done... I have Dr. Brewster's CCM paper to write still...



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