Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Starting assignments today!!!

*cheers* --> half-hearted one...but may God help me to fully enjoy myself piah-ing these 2 weeks... :P

Anyway, was driving to the bank today... and I thought... how clever my brain is... particularly when it comes to money.

Every month, I can keep mental accounts of how much I've spent from a certain fund and how much of the quota I have left for the month (eg. petrol fund, utility bills fund, food fund, etc).... remember how much money I have left in the bank (and panic a bit)... strategize how to move money around all the funds that I can spend more on food (bare necessities)...

On top of it, when my cerebrum perceives that my funds are dropping drastically or forsees great future expenditures happening - the part of my brain that controls my emotions will make sure that I feel 'emo' so that I become extremely kiam-siap and start stinging like crazy. And then since the soul (mind, will and emotions) and the spirit are connected, I will be influenced (when helpless) to pray to God and ask for more provisions.

Seminary life not only equips the brain... but it sure helps other centers of the brain to develop too.


mozozozo said...

hehe. I need to save more..looks like you have a budget's the throat?

Grace-Melody Moo said...

HAHAHA... kiamsiap :P the throat is better... I ate potato chips 2 days in a row, on the sore throat :P ehem...


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