Had my first passion fruit today. I mean, I've eaten passion fruit flavoured candy, slathered on passion fruit body butter, drunk passion fruit juice - and goodness knows, what other derivatives of passion fruit I've come across! However, I've never seen and encountered the whole unprocessed FRUIT itself.
When I was asked, "Do you know what this fruit is called?" by the person who blessed me with it, I did not know how to answer her question. Decided to be adventurous - and try the unknown fruit for myself. Also, I Google-imaged all kinds of tropical fruit names I could think of, haha (feeling very jakun and suaku) - and voila!
So this is THE passion fruit I've always heard about and tasted, but never seen. Having encountered the fruit now put a 'face' to its name.
Well, they have purple-skinned ones too, but I had the yellow-skinned species today. Scooped out the sweet, aromatic, juicy flesh and crunchy seeds with a spoon. (Both flesh and seeds can be eaten and are packed with nutrients.)
I must say that it was a very pleasant experience. What a marvellous creation of God!
I know this is way random... but I passed by an art-supplies store today, and spied paper clay! I'm so, so itching to get my hands on paper clay now. Mess around with it again.
The last time I touched it was a good 14 years ago. My mum made this cool sculpture of a miniature teapot when I was 11, and stuck a piece of magnet to its back, so we could put it up on our refrigerator door! It was as small as a cookie and everytime I saw it, my heart would melt from its cuteness overload.
Ooops, I digressed. Haha. Told you I am random.
Anyway... today --> my blog title says it all. 'Nerves' was because the hardcopy of my World Living Religions assignments mysteriously got lost on their way to Dr. Jeffery Oh (dateline was in August)- and I received an email today telling me that he hadn't received it...and please would I resend it by 15th of December or I would receive an F on the entire course... :P
I wasn't the only one on his list of students whose assignments he hadn't received and he had been so nice to give us some extra time to resend 'em... but I kinda panicked - because part of the assignments involved written interaction/reflection papers on 5 videos we watched in class throughout that week... and I didn't think that I could remember enough of those videos to write some more interaction papers. Didn't know what to do at first. Prayed. Then I emailed my lecturer and asked him to have mercy!:P
Thankfully, he wrote back to me later this evening (or it would have kept me up all night long worrying 'bout the whole issue) and kindly gave me the permission to send him just the book review and essays, without having to re-do the interaction forms...to quote Dr. Jeffrey, "Do send me the soft copies of your interview & the book review ASAP. I'll grade you on these 2 alone. I trust that you have handed in your Interactive forms but somehow it did not reached me. Blessings in Him...." Ah, praise the LORD!
Trust. What a beautiful word.
Then this is totally unrelated to my blog title (sorry for the randomness again - today is just one of those days my thoughts are all over the place) ~ I feel like I am slowly desensitizing to people's remarks about me 'wasting my medical career', etc, etc. Last time, I would feel really upset when I heard remarks like that - because they really stung. Then I would allow myself to be influenced by such remarks. Fear, doubt, confusion and all kinds of negative emotions would creep into my heart. Haha. I've had to train myself to remember how God's spoken and how I got where I am today... as well as to forgive. Yesterday, I overheard someone telling my boyfriend the same thing. AGAIN. I won't lie and say that it didn't hurt at all - but strangely, I felt a new emotion ~ Compassion for the person who said it... somehow.
My life has had many unexpected twists. There are many more of these to come. Even the path everyone expects me to walk after I'm done with seminary may not be what God has planned. I see glimpses of the future every now and then... and it puzzles even ME. People will always be entitled to their own opinions. Remarks are thus inevitable. Some for and some against what I decide to do. If I don't learn NOW to be undistracted and unaffected by my natural tendency to want to please everyone and by my fears of rejection, I will always have to conform.
I learnt from ED's that if we live trying to conform to the world's trends, we will slowly lose ourselves. We will slowly lose sight of God's purposes for our lives. We will eventually despise and condemn the unique 'shape' God has designed us with and the road He leads us on so that we can be the very best we can be.
I was there once. Lost. Striving for perfection and worldly acceptance. And I don't want to be there again.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday - a good mix of rest and nerves.
Labels: assignments, eating disorders, God, miscellaneous, trials
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A weekend of good lessons...
It has been a good weekend of learning. I learnt alot, mostly from spending alot of time with the people around me...
Pastor's Suubi's healing/prayer/revival service in church on Friday and Saturday nights were amazing. He's from Kenya/Uganda btw. He spoke to us about praying for revival for our land, and brought us a prophetic word from God - both for our church and for certain individuals God had wanted to touch. All in all, I was very inspired to fast and pray for revival... not to mention encouraged by Pastor Suubi - may God bless His servant for being faithful to His call.
I think the biggest blessing and provision of the year is Ben's parents coming to know the Lord and devote their lives to Him. A year and half ago, we would have never imagined that such a beautiful, new season would come... but God did do a miracle and answer our prayers. It is so refreshing to watch them cast off their 'old selves', put on the 'new selves' and live new lives filled with joy and light. I'd rather be poor than to be denied this privilege of watching God work in yielded lives such as these! It is beautiful. Can't be described by mere words.
Ben's mum for instance, really encourages me (and sometimes puts me to shame with her passion). She is so hungry for God's Word - that despite her lack of fluency in English, she delights in reading her copy of the Bible aided by a Hokkien audio Bible. (She's spending so much less time watching the telly too!) Then she meditates on His Word day and night like the man in Psalms 1, delights in His ways and makes changes to her lifestyle - because she doesn't want to compromise anymore. Now, she's fervently learning to pray. It brings me much wonder to watch her grow, knowing that the understanding of God's Word for a simple woman like Aunty Wong, can only come from Him alone and through her childlike faith in God. Even more humbling it is for me to see her eyes shining with newfound joy and her face glowing with radiance... knowing that she has found peace, is enjoying her relationship with God...and is so blessed by the truth that sets one free! Truly reminds me of the hymn that goes, "Trust and obey, there is no other way... to be happy in Jesus - is to trust and obey."
The Wongs have indeed been amazing family, friends and even 'foster parents' to me, who've always given their best to serve and bless me in every way possible. I feel so honoured being able to watch God working in the family.
I also learnt alot from some of my dear friends, what it means to serve others out of love - a living act of a dead self. My desire and resolution for the year ahead is therefore to strive to serve others more diligently and cheerfully.
Just spent a good 30 minutes yakking on the phone with Ai Hua... may we all finish our assignments for the 5th December dateline. Gambatteh!!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Outside, the trees wave gracefully in the wind. Birds fly in the sky. All have one same Creator, who faithfully tends to their needs...
God, please have mercy. Do not pass me by.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Slow and headach-ish kind of day after a weird, nerve-wrecking night... but I still felt blessed somehow...
Had to miss the 3rd day of Joy Camp, because I had running nose, headache and dizziness upon waking up this morning. My nose did not stop running by 8.15am and I continued sneezing - so I had to ask someone else to replace me...just in case it was a cold. Didn't want to risk passing on an viral infections to the kids... especially when I was sneezing like that! (Kids catch 'em much faster than adults, btw...) ~ Strange... but I actually miss teaching my class. Noise, mischievous boys and all...
I went back to sleep after informing Valerie (our Youth Coordinator). Headache was still around when I woke up. @_@' Crepitus. But at least, I could rest the whole morning... Had more time to myself in the afternoon too...for prayer.
I don't know why I often wake up with tension-type headaches. I wonder if it's got anything to do with the depth of my sleep, oxygen level in my room or anaemia...
I still have a headache now. It has been a whole day, almost.
Labels: medical
Why oh why...
Depression is a very dangerous thing.It often presents itself to the society only as the tip of the 'iceberg'. The underlying emotions and reasoning are complex. Underestimated and uncontrolled, it can be more fatal than cancer; and death from cancer, more dignified...
Recently, I've had to minister to a few young women with such a struggle. It truly breaks my heart to see them suffering... and whenever they threaten to commit suicide or mutilate themselves, it scares me... Coz I have felt what they feel...and I know it truly sucks ~ with a big S. You just feel so hopeless...that you feel that the world is better off without you... or you are better off without the world. In extreme cases, you either hurt yourself or end your life.
Once upon a time, I used to do the former. My left wrist - tells of many stories. The scars are mostly gone... except 2. One long, one short. And its been more than 6 years eversince they were caused.
But I found God. He's now my Refuge. I desire the same for all those battling depression.
I have yet to learn how to NOT get emotionally involved with people ~ while being totally empathic, compassionate, prayerful and strong. (I cry when I see another person's tears...or hear another person cry...) Sometimes, I succeed, but most of the time, I don't. Especially if I have gotten to know the person well enough. It is difficult to 'desensitize' myself even after having gone through my psychiatric rotations in 2007 and having encountered so many depressed people ~ and just see the person as 'just a case'. I definitely can't... and I don't think I should force myself to. Perhaps, I should instead learn to trust God more, pray... and remind myself that God knows best what to do.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Year One of Million Leaders Mandate/ Externally Focused Church course over...
Year One of MLM/EFCC is over. I graduated today. 2 more years to go.
I regret to say that I did not willingly sign-up for this course about a year ago. At that time, I was rather doubtful about the 3-years-span of this training - didn't know if I could commit to it while I am undertaking 3 years of fulltime studies at the seminary. @_@
However, my boyfriend's enthusiasm to learn, equip himself for leadership and act on the conviction he's received in his heart from the Holy Spirit to commit himself to the course rubbed off on me...Of course, while it started off as an effort made to go along so that I could encourage Ben, God opened my eyes so that I could see the 'timely-ness' of the commitment. I was greatly influenced to make full use of the following 3 years of pastoral/ministry training to not only equip myself theologically, academically and in specific ministry skills... but also to be exposed to what God has been doing in the course of Malaysian and world history in line with His mission to reconcile His people to Himself... and to be involved in what He is doing in the world around.
I hope I don't sound like I've been brainwashed, haha...
Honestly, MLM/EFCC is not merely any biblical leadership course - but with this, it brings God's clarion call for us to go out to make disciples of all nations - beginning with our families, community, schools, work-places, etc. I am grateful that we are not forced to comply to the principles taught, but rather, we're encouraged to go back after classes to THINK and REFLECT on what we've learned... and apply it in bearing fruit for God's Kingdom. I thank God for the deep impact He made on my life even from the beginning of this course, the stirring within me to do more with what He's placed in me, as well as the motivation for missions work.
I have absolutely NO regrets that I took that leap of faith - and committed myself to this course. Even though the prioritizing of this course for the next 3 years meant that I had to inevitably give up some other things for the time being... especially the choir ministry... *sobs*
Coping with MLM/EFCC whilst working on my M.Div? Easy. I just apply what I've learnt in MLM/EFCC in my M.Div assignments, wherever and whenever I can :) ~ That makes up for any bit of tiredness experienced from attending MORE classes after classes at the seminary. Yeah!
Then of course, I am thankful for how this course has strengthened my relationship with Ben while we are in this together.
Wednesday evenings (every 2 weeks) are always spent in the same manner - a quick dinner together after Ben finishes work and I'm done with my own, then we speed off to church in his car and sit 'spellbound' through 2 hours plus of classes. After that we usually talk about what we've learnt for that day while he drives me home...(unless either one of us is feeling emo about something totally unrelated, haha ~ and the other has to find some way to cheer the emo one up!) I find it very meaningful that we are able to spend at least one day a week in focused discussion/brainstorm on how we can both be more fruitful in our lives, work, families and ministries together... and encouraging one another to live life to the fullest.
So, praise God - that we're done with the first year! :)
Day 2 of Joy Camp...
Somehow, today I feel much better than yesterday. Although the kids were no less mischievous, I'm starting to like them. Guess they are also growing more used to me... and were a little more submissive than yesterday. Hehe. The boys were much nicer too. Praise the LORD. *exhausted grin*
(Dr. Mah and I are still trying to figure out if the glue is flammable ~ :P ~)
PHEW. Glad Day 2 is over... One more day to go... God, thank You for Your joy which is my strength. Thank You for helping to stay patient and kind the whole day. Great is Your faithfulness.
Gotta prepare for EFCC graduation tonight at church, of which I am one of the graduants...
Labels: ministry
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Update on eating disorders...
My old blog at www.xanga.com/gentlemelody84 was originally set up in year 2004 for the purpose of facilitating my healing from eating disorders. I blogged alot on the emotional and eating struggles of bulimia/anorexia nervosa (as well as other stuff related to my medical studies in Dublin and Penang... and eventually my calling into fulltime ministry) ~ rather than what I had for each meal like some of my dear friends are doing now. It would be even more interesting if I had - but well, I did not - and yet, of course, God glorified Himself no less through my journey and whatever part of it recorded in my blog. It was also through this blog that God graciously brought many (new) friends into my life, reminded me of His faithfulness when I read my old posts, strengthened my passion to write for Him, and unknowingly blessed others... (as I found out much later.)Since I no longer live the way I did when I had eating disorders, especially in the past 2 years, I hardly talk about my struggles with food nowadays. That is because I do not want to associate myself with the illness anymore. I've been healed indeed, by God's grace. However, I still update readers from time to time about my post-ED progress and what God has been doing in my life with respect to that... just to keep myself accountable - especially to those who have been faithfully following my blog and praying for me for years, my dear family and covenant sisters. Also, I hope that by doing so, readers and friends who still struggle with eating disorders would be encouraged to persevere, find hope in God and look forward to a life, post-ED. A beautiful one, that is.
So how am I doing today? :)Physically...
I am no longer underweight or overweight. My weight does sometimes fluctuate (like that of healthy, normal women), but I have maintained it at a good 53-54kg for a year already. I hardly have gastritis/stomach problems nowadays, because I eat so frequently (LOL) and don't binge uncontrollably on junkfood, purge or abuse laxatives like I used to do. I can't remember the last time I had an acid reflux after a meal and I don't fall sick that often anymore... which is a very good thing, because I cannot afford to keep falling sick any longer, what with the very intensive fulltime M.Div program I am currently undertaking. Whenever I do, it is due to sleep debt... rather than disordered eating patterns.
I usually eat 5-6 meals a day - 3 main meals and snacks in between. This keeps my metabolism going, curbs carb-craving with well-regulated blood glucose levels, and prevents stomach problems. I occasionally allow myself junk food and fast food. (Yaay to Mcd's and all other fast-food, MSG and all!) I exercise 3 times a week - about 30 minutes to 1 hour per session - stretches, light dancing and squats - to help me keep fit. I have yet to improve on my sleeping hours (a little bit difficult, due to work); otherwise, I am doing quite fine.
Secondary to such wonderful progress, I am so much more productive in my studies and work now, have better quality of sleep and am more confident with my body. I can smile at myself in the mirror totally comfortable with the way I look (bulges, imperfections, body shape and all), feel good about dressing-up and look forward to going out with friends...whereas I used to shy away from such gatherings for a period of time, because I did not feel comfortable eating in public.
I am much stronger. I no longer obsess over calories, although I sometimes panic after an eating spree... In such occasions, I'd make an effort to shift my focus to the great time spent with friends/loved ones and what God has done among us, sleep and wake up happy again. I am enjoying my food and enjoying the ability to eat without being attacked by overwhelming guilt and condemnation later. While I may be really emotional (can't help it - it's part of my melancholy nature, and I am FEMALE) and depressed at times, my self-image has improved remarkably over the years... also thanks to the encouragement from friends and loved ones. Staying close to God and knowing Him a little more each day - I continue to grow more secure in His love. It is this love that dispels all fears... and has helped me overcome my fear of food and weight issues. While I respond to Him in worship and adoration, I am slowly but surely discovering how fearfully and wonderfully He's made me - and using the very gifts He's given me to serve Him with joy. It is truly a blessed life - despite its fair share of challenges and difficulties...To those who always affirm me... especially my dear sister, Zoey, who's been 'walking' with me through thick and thin... thank you, people. To those who have been praying, God has indeed answered many prayers! :) And lastly to those who've always lent me shoulders to cry on - I'll never forget it.
Praise God for everything.
Labels: eating disorders, God, health, medical
Joy Camp begins today...
This reminds me of my prefect days back in high school...when I used to sit behind all the students during the school assembly, to catch people who buat bising and tell them to senyap.
*Grits teeth, silently screams and endures*
Kids are cute. They make the funniest statements. They can look like angels. But they also can be bundles of naughtiness, mischief, snotty noses and smart-aleck-ness... Spoiled brats too... seriously. ARGH. Not all. Just a handful.
I feel like I have been so bullied today... I'm not sure if I will ever make a good school teacher. But oh well... some form of hands-on training is always good. 2 more days to get myself used to them.
I always feel so bad and guilty whenever I have to give someone else's kid the stern look and tell him firmly to stop misbehaving/disrupting the rest of the group. Can't be all nice and smiley there... or they will take advantage of that. Stare-downs don't work on the older kids though. The group Dr. Mah and I were teaching consisted of 10-11 year olds. It can get a little out of control at times, because some think that they are too smart to listen to what you say.
One kid was rather resentful... I got rudely pummeled by his fists! :( That was the end of me telling him to stay in the hall during games session and not wander around the church grounds. I left him to check out the caterpillars in the bushes nearby, keeping an eye on him... just in case he got kidnapped... @_@ Sigh. (I am so, so glad that he's not in my class!:P)
Sigh, at least there are many good and well-behaved children to balance it out...
Don't know what makes the little boys sooooooo energetic! Is it what they put into their milk powder nowadays?
Was exhausted after the first day had ended. Will try again tomorrow.
Labels: ministry
recap. 11th Mar 08...
Today I am afraid...
of what the future holds
But I know God takes my hand
And leads me to places yet untold...
May I keep my eyes upon Him
As a weaned child contented be...
Not to fret, not to rush,
or not to puzzle over things too wonderful for me.
Be steadfast my soul,
Be still - and wait...
Be asleep in His will like a child
The Lord is never too early nor too late...
Today I am afraid..
of what the future holds
But I know He takes my hand
And leads me along this narrow road...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday and a provision...
Visited the Baptist Bookstore to get some stuff... Something really sweet happened today. I was upstairs browsing the shelves for good reads (as usual) and any useful textbooks to purchase for the sake of my studies. Found Dr. Bill Lawson's book on Biblical Interpretation: 'Ears to hear'...and was really contemplating buying it, since it's a very good book. Also I will be taking Dr. Lawson's BI classes next year onwards. Thought it would be a useful book to have.
While I was milling around that particular bookshelf, a middle-aged lady who had been there all the while, turned around and asked me if I was attending the seminary (there's honestly nothing on me that reads 'Seminary Student' - I seriously hope it's not my humongous eyebags that gave me away!) - and I said yes. Then she asked me how I was financing myself... and I briefly told her. Turned out that she's from Johor, works mostly in Subang Jaya in KL (where I live), and while she's 'passing through' Penang, attends Bukit Mertajam Baptist Church.
Then she smiled kindly at me and said, "Since you are trusting God to provide, put your book on my pile... let me buy it for you..." I was of course overwhelmed and so touched. I also didn't dare to show any interest in other books, till she had left the bookshop! :P
Thank you, sister Kua.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Putting on some happy pounds... :)
Firstly, some photos from our brothers' - (Yahaya and Mark) - birthday bash in Seoul Garden the other day...courtesy of Chik Bu :)

...Love that lays down one's life for another ~
and puts doughnuts into the other's mouth....mmm.



Ok...now moving on to my weekend...
I just need it to grow thicker...Hair has been dropping like mad last term...
Something random: Praise God, I don't have a pimple problem... that's one less thing I have to worry about...
It was also wonderful weekend because I was able to spend alot of time with my friends and loved ones... Sakae Sushi with CG mates, Hokkien service with the Wongs, eat-outs, movies (I finally watched 2012... not a bad movie, if you don't think of the illogical stuff but focus on human values... I know, I know... I am super sentimental... I cried....especially when it was time for the president to say goodbye to his daughter....>_<), etc.

The weekend wasn't complete without some work...

...Well, Ben had some company department function at RedBox, Gurney Plaza on Saturday...
I wasn't too keen on making my appearance there...
So I wandered around the Plaza for a while...
...and started gravitating towards Coffee-Bean
for that authentic Coffee affair...
...Did get some work done while waiting for Ben to be done with his function...
Of course, he later joined me...and we continued to sit there for a while...
to enjoy the ambience (and coffees)...me, work...
...and him, helping me with my work.. (amazing think-tank and ideas resource)
when he used to sit with me in the 24 hours Mcd's in Sunrise Tower to keep my company through the dreary late nights, while I was preparing for final med-and-surg exams...
Too tired to type more! LOL.
Joy camp next week...and alot of other commitments... I am going to sleep early tonight. I have sore throat...and feel like I'm about to fall sick.
It's funny. How I always manage to get some throaty, voice ailment whenever I am about to be on vocallist's duty at church (even back in Dublin)... which is this coming weekend!
Labels: friends, Love, miscellaneous