Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 2 of Joy Camp...

Somehow, today I feel much better than yesterday. Although the kids were no less mischievous, I'm starting to like them. Guess they are also growing more used to me... and were a little more submissive than yesterday. Hehe. The boys were much nicer too. Praise the LORD. *exhausted grin*

Day 2 worship, skit and object lesson. Participants in yellow. Helpers in blue (consist of the youths from MYF, Youth counsellors, aunties who attend the 1st service and Sunday School teachers).My 'prefect' duties again - to sit with the kids and go, "Ssssssh" at regular intervals. Keep them attentive and from fighting or playing during worship/lesson times too...
*Glug, glug, glug* This boy was very thirsty I think... he kept drinking throughout the hall session... I'm not sure if he had to go to the bathroom halfway through...
Arts and crafts... and the students in my class...
The little girl in my class whom I really sayang...

She's probably the most well-behaved, polite and proper 10-year-old I've ever met. She always thanks us with a sweet and grateful smile whenever we help her, never pushes her classmates around but helps those in need, is considerate and thoughtful, never sits in the seat of mockers or says anything bad back to anyone who taunts her (and believe me, some other children can say such nasty things at times!). Whenever she gets offended, she calmly says, "Hey, that hurts you know..." and just sits down quietly, recomposing herself. She takes a book wherever she goes, so that she can read when she's bored. (The Christian novel she is now reading is what I would read myself now! @_@). Her little sister is in the camp too.

The boys hard at work... I'm glad that they were so happy. Also, it warms my heart when they call me 'Teacher' and ask me for help :P Hehehehe....
What is that? :) ~ very creative... but um, I don't think you can burn the candle now...
(Dr. Mah and I are still trying to figure out if the glue is flammable ~ :P ~)
Above: How the candle-holders are supposed to look like...I feel like making somemore to decorate my house...
Games session again... The kids as usual took delight in shrieking at the top of their voices... their ears don't seem to suffer assault like those of the adults... As I was not in charge of helping out in the games and I decided that I'd protect my ear-drums, I stood a safe distance away... Should have thought of bringing ear-plugs...
The youths from the Youth Fellowship helping out...

PHEW. Glad Day 2 is over... One more day to go... God, thank You for Your joy which is my strength. Thank You for helping to stay patient and kind the whole day. Great is Your faithfulness.

Gotta prepare for EFCC graduation tonight at church, of which I am one of the graduants...



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