Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Struggling to keep up with the pace of life. *Inhale* *Exhale* *Inhale* *Exhale*

But thank God, I am surviving. Therefore, I am very glad to say that this is my last week at MBTS this year.

Next year, January, I return as a student in the Master of Christian Studies. It means graduation end of 2011, more quality in assignments and more time with God. It also means that I'd have to slowly start moving into the work I'd be embarking on once I am done with my masters... If this means having to travel more, then traveling is what I'll be doing on a more frequent basis. If this means having to spend more time at home, then let it be so. If this means having to put more effort into writing, then that's what I'm gonna do.

In other words, next year is going to be an exciting year on the whole. It's exciting to be unconventional (because that's generally the pattern for my life - I am not saying that we need to be unconventional all the time) while prayerfully taking every step. It's exciting to take time to wait...rather than rush into great conquests just because I fear that I'd miss out on great opportunities. It's also exciting when it is time to step out in faith and embark on new things, when you clearly know that God is leading you to it. Perhaps, these 7-8 years in God's School of Waiting has been good discipline for me. I am slowly learning not to be the careless and impulsive opportunist I've always been all my life - and walk according to God's timing. While I still have got much to learn, it has been awesome so far.

OK. Back to assignments and meeting deadlines... ttyl!


sophia said...

I like this relaxed, peaceful outlook you have on your future! Obviously it's something that God is training you to do, to walk in HIS step. He knows best!

Best of luck with everything...ah, wait, luck has nothing to do with it...Best of God's grace in everything then! Hee hee.


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