Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I've been having writer's block when it comes to song-writing lately. Perhaps I need a spiritual retreat. Not just so that I can write songs... but more so that my relationship with God may be strengthened. I feel awfully dry lately, thanks to everything - assignments especially. Grrr....so glad that I'll graduate next year already.

Not a very good 'shape' to go for mission trip, right? I really need God.

My sister, Zoey, graduates today - just a day before her 23rd birthday. Dad will be there for her... with the tiny bottle of 'family scent'. I know it may seem weird - but I find it so cool that the Moo family has this tradition: whoever graduates gets use that perfume on their graduation day. LOL. My dad used it in his graduation way way back... I used it on my MB Bch BAO graduation (6.7.08) from PMC... My sister will use it today... and next year, I will use it again, when I graduate from MBTS! Hehe.

In case you were wondering - this is NOT a joke! :)



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