Friday, November 5, 2010

She heard from the Lord...

Six years ago, Laura, Cynthia and I made a covenant to watch each others' backs with regards to our personal walks with Jesus. I remember that particular Sunday someone shared about David and Jonathan in church. Instantaneously, the three of us decided that we would be each others' Davids and Jonathans. We got Cindy Ryan, our church's prayer co-ordinator to pray over us. It was beautiful...and today, this remains a precious memory.

The three of us, celebrating my 20th birthday at Acapulco...and Abishek, a dear brother who taught me loads about worship-leading and humility...

For many years after that, we would fast on Tuesdays to pray for one well as for our families. We called that day the 'Blazing Furnace'. Beautiful things happened. We could still see God working mightily long after we stopped having 'Blazing Furnace'. I can't even remember why we stopped. It must have been a very valid reason. Nevertheless, we kept our relationships going. (You can read about them in my previous blog)

My two jies made my days in Dublin especially sweet. In fact, Cyn was my housemate two-and-a-half years in a row and my roommate during my last year in we were a little closer to one another than we were to Laura... I mean, how can you not be close to the one whose cute and gentle snores you hear almost every day? :P (Here, I speak for both Cyn and myself!)

Cyn and I, Christmas 2006, back in Kuantan

Cyn and I, on a rivercruise in Kuantan, back in 2004.

As room-mates and extremely close spiritual sibblings, Cyn and I had our squabbles... but we always made up. Those squabbles... I only remember vaguely now. More than anything, I remember the times we would curl up on the black sofa to share our hearts. I'd talk about my crushes... and Cyn would tell me to fix my eyes on God... and we would cry and laugh over the most silly things. Sometimes, Cyn would play the guitar while we worshiped God in the cold living room of Apartment 43, St. Patrick's Court. Whenever I wrote new songs, Cyn was usually the first to appraise them. It was also Cyn who saw most of the 'dark side' of me during my eating disordered days... and helped me with my self-image.

Time passed by. Laura jie started her internship in Singapore and got married to her 4-years sweetheart...Cyn was still in Dublin doing her final years in RCSI... while I was doing my final years at PMC in Penang. We grew a little distant while we were so busy with our lives after med school. However, God has been so gracious to keep us in each others' hearts. Covenant sisters we were... and still are... and will always be.

Recently, Cyn and I started contacting one another more actively via sms...

Today, Cyn sent me an sms asking me if I was OK. Said that she had a distressing dream about me... and that I had sent her an sms (in her dream) pleading her to call me.

I struggle with many things silently. Things and thoughts I'd hardly share with others, except perhaps Ben...probably because I am often too proud to let others know that I am not OK. (So please don't ask me what :P...) But seriously, this sms coming from Cyn of all people... whom her dream caught unaware - made me realize that Jesus does watch over me and cares for me... despite my many short-comings. I was also most touched by her timely encouragement.

Cyn, I miss you so much. :')


Lydia said...

Amen :) God is watching you, always! :)


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