Wednesday, March 23, 2011

For emotional wholeness....

Some gloomy day outside.

Last night, by God's grace, I discovered (by how I often react to some things and circumstances) that I have bad emotional habits that I badly want to get rid of. Or at least gradually stop them in their tracks. Especially before I get married and have kids.

These emotional habits do not coincide with PMS, I'm afraid - haha. So I can't exactly blame it on PMS. While my melancholic personality may have some influence, I reflected and also thanks to Ben's help, realized that many of the emo's are learned habits/reactions from my childhood and late teenage-hood as an indirect cry for attention. (Yeah, I used to have self-inflictory behaviors. Used to. Now the behaviors have evolved into less 'physical' forms - I promise you that I don't slash my wrists, bruise myself or run into the wall anymore. But still... I am left with bad emotional habits, nevertheless!) And if they can be learned, I don't think I want my kids to pattern their emotional habits after mine in the future.

Yups. So when I realized that I should stop, I prayed. Yesterday's 'alert' must be a call for me to enter a time of healing. Thanks, to those of you who are praying for me as I am preparing myself for marriage. May I grow and transform to have emotional wholeness in Christ. (And thanks Tairven and Wee Lyn for my birthday-pressie... i.e. the book - I didn't realize how much I needed it till yesterday!)


weelyn said...

most welcome, dear. :)
am glad that God is using the contents of the book to minister to you...

may He continue to hold you in His embrace as you allow His healing to work in you...

sophia said...

Wow, I had no idea about your past emotional habits...I had a friend who told me as a child, she used to run into the wall, too. I first thought she was the crazy only one, but looks like Satan affects people in similar ways. I'm so glad God has healed you in that area, though we all still have room to heal and progress. That's the joy of life, I suppose...growing and developing in the Lord. :-)

I MISS YOU TOO, Grace!!! You and I...we're both sooo busy. But I'm still stalking you on Reader, though admittedly, there were quite a few times when I had to "mark all as read" when the Reader list got too much for me. Heh heh. >__<

Ace said...

Dear Meng Huey,

Life is about learning to overcome those challenges - like many negative things, it is very easy to relapse. May you have the strength and faith to see these relapses through your life, and may you be surrounded by friends and family to help you throuh.


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