Thursday, March 24, 2011


In class, we were sharing in groups of twos, how we discerned God's will for various aspects of our lives (especially ministry - because the class is supposed to be on "The Person/Life of the Pastor").

Pam (my partner) and I are so familiar with each other that we did not want to talk about our calling into ministry again. Hehe. Instead, she bugged me to talk about how Ben and I discerned that it is God's will for us to walk together someday, as husband and wife.

I don't think I'd make it my sharing here, but telling Pam all about it did remind me of God's faithfulness in our relationship. Ben and I have been through hard and rough times indeed, in which we did consider breaking up. We have struggled with one another's weaknesses and fought over plenty of things. Silly things too. However, God did see us through and He kept us together - beautifully, miraculously and surely. He made us strong. Today, we are one another's best friend. Ben is not a perfect man (or he would be Jesus :P) - but he is indeed a man that I am deeply in love with and cannot wait to marry.

Thank You, Lord... for Your grace that is all-sufficient, always...



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