Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Finishing well

Funny. Last night, I was talking to Ben about "finishing well".

Today, I was supposed to be attending a class on 'The Life of the Pastor' (TLOTP). However, the TLOTP students were unexpected made to join another class (just for today) - which is on "Finishing Well" by Rev. Dr. Mark Chen. All because so many pastors drop out from serving their call due to various discouragements.

I did not sign up for this class, because it is an elective - and I am in a dire need of finishing my core subjects if I want to graduate this year. But I thank God for the opportunity to attend at least the first day of "Finishing Well".

Because it is so hard to think of finishing well when you are in some sort of plateau. Or when you have been waiting and waiting and waiting to clear some obstacle. Or uncertainty for that matter. Yes, you took the first step. Responded to God's call. Explosively and radically even. Despite the odds. And now that you are on a spiritual journey to fulfilling your life vocation, you suddenly arrive at River Jordan. Cross it? But it's swift and dangerous at this time of time of the year. Flood season. Will it ever end?

Perhaps, I am not quite at River Jordan. But today, I found myself asking ME this question, "Will you finish the race, where God has called you to run?" No, I lie. Actually, I have been asking myself this question from time to time. Today marks the umpteenth (and probably more than umpteenth) day. Because I get disillusioned way too easily. In instances of discontentment, I get distracted. Sometimes, I get lazy with my QT. Or peeved at people. Then I plateau. I swing in between wanting to do God's will... and wanting everything to be convenient. Sigh....

I don't know at all if I will finish well. But I hope I will be faithful. Faithfulness is not just the way to finish well, but it is finishing well.

O God, answer my prayer! Take my feet out from the miry clay and set 'em on solid rock!



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