Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Burned quite a bit of midnight oil last night. I feel bad about it, but I couldn't help it, what with a dateline coming up fast! I do not want to even imagine what the late night did to my eye-bags. My sister warned me that I would have to depend on the powderfool power of concealers next week when I go for my pre-wedding photoshoot #2. I have to sadly accept the fact that she may be true....

I asked myself at 6.30am this morning, while taking a hasty shower: "When do I ever NOT snooze my alarm clock and wake up later than intended?"

Racked my brain upside-down to recall...and still couldn't think of a time when I did not abuse the snooze-button on my phone. Exams could be just a few hours away for all I cared... and my beauty sleep would still matter more. Unless adrenaline courses through my veins (like back in high-school when I was extremely kiasu about my studies and woke up at 5am every morning to do add-maths) or I am extremely unprepared to sit for a major exam, snoozing my alarm clock is my daily ritual. Sometimes I snooze and then dream that I have gotten up, showered and eaten my breakfast. Imagine my exasperation when I try to start my car engine and realize that I am in an unusually horizontal position to drive my car.

What an ideal way to start my day.... NOT!!! :(

Of course there is an exception. I sometimes jump out of bed in the morning, thinking that my alarm clock had rung and I had snoozed it till it could ring no more... and fearing that I would be late for school, I'd shower in a hurry, get dressed... and then just when I am about to go out... my eyes (unblurry after the adrenaline rush) would catch sight of the clock on the wall... and groan. I have woken up as early as 2.30am before. Needless to say, I would go back to sleep, fully-dressed and snooze again the next morning... :P

In the past, my guilty conscience has led me time and time again to bargain... Maybe, I find it difficult to wake up in the morning (or after a nap) because I lack sleep. While this is partially true, it is still not totally relevant. I am known to snooze my alarm clock even in the holidays. It is becoming, much to my horror, a terribly bad habit. O God, grant me the grace to be disciplined! Erm, does anybody know how long it takes to unlearn a bad habit formed over the past 7 years?

Think I'll wait till I am married... and then I will give permission to my husband to splash cold water in my face every morning. Thus saith the night-owl.


weelyn said...

(Sometimes I snooze and then dream that I have gotten up, showered and eaten my breakfast.) - Gosh! I've experienced the exact same thing!! and then when the alarm rings again, i jump and then realize that hey, i'm still lying down in bed! haha.

i'm like you, i have a habit of hitting the 'snooze' button too. hehe. I seem to be perpetually suffering from lack of sleep.....


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