Monday, October 25, 2010


Trying to remind myself that ALL present sufferings are temporary... Huuuzzzaaah!!! *tries to grin*

Gotta try to complete my Children and Spirituality assignments by this week.

...Gosh, I am so, so, so restless. Furthermore, when I think of my wedding preps and I haven't done anything about it, I am panicking. *Omaigoooshh!!!* Talk to the florist's, book the church for the ceremony, look out for the decos, appoint the people to serve on that day, decide on the music, send out invites... semua pun belum buat!! @_@' I think I need a personal assistant liao...

Yeah... Ben and I decided to split work... just to make things a little easier - so we can work on our own parts for now. Both of us are crazy busy... what with the upcoming mission trip and our bridal photoshoots... and our own work commitments... Waiting for one another to be available may ensure that nothing gets done till May next year... :P Moreover, our third year as a couple seems to be flying past extra fast!! Why?!?

In about 7 months time, I will be a Mrs. Wong! >,< Can you believe it?


Jacklyn Chung said...

Soon to be Mrs.Wong :P

I know I can't help much with things you need do but I can pray for YOU :D I will keep you in prayer and ask God to give you wisdom to manage your time to finish all wedding preparation on time and ask God HELP you to enjoy the process prepare your wedding ceremony with Ben :) Enjoy the process le..hehehehe..

sophia said...

You're so much like me...always groaning about assignments! But don't even know how you can write essays when you're getting ready for a WEDDING! No wonder you look even more beautiful these days! The last post, the pics of you were GORGEOUS!

Grace-Melody Moo said...

Thanks, Jacklyn!!

Sophia: Um...thanks for the encouragement, dear!!! Actually, I thought I looked a little awkward, with my head a little too big for my neck :P When I am stressed, I lose weight at the most unusual places...


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