Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not a very happy day on the whole...

Unproductive day. OK, at least in terms of the assignments.

Spent most of the morning emo-ing over certain things that I could not sleep over last night. I was positively troubled and depressed in between classes that I couldn't focus, but thanks to the prayers of my dear sisters (Lydia and Rachel), a short serve in the chapel (I had the time of my life blaring the pipe organ to 'All hail the power of Jesus' name'. Haha), my first English tuition session with Jae Eun and a therapeutic sauna, I feel better now. My God be praised!

Also, I am dreading tomorrow. No, it's not the dentist. It's not my bridal photoshoot (coz I am bloated). It's not even a deadline. It's my mission team presentation, in which I'll have to spontaneously translate what Fung Hain says from Mandarin to English. =S

No, I can only imagine...

Anyway, this is totally random --> What is it like to be so good at something that you can do it almost mindlessly and yet bear exceptionally good fruit? Is it necessarily a good thing to be in that position?



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