Friday, July 2, 2010

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

Not a very happy day on the whole. I feel like I've messed up so many things. Everything kinda backfired on me.

Yeah... as a result, I am about to face a 'judgment seat' ~ not that of God, but of someone else... =_=" Dang-dang-dang-dang...

In the end, I returned home feeling all disgruntled, disappointed and angry with myself... ordered pizza (yes I can jolly well eat one whole regular-sized (9") pizza all by myself), watched the last episode of 'Brilliant Legacy' (Korean drama) and now, I am waiting for the 'judgment seat'.

Will I be 'safe' or sorry? *yelps* Oh, God... please, please be merciful and gracious to me... and please make all things work together for good. *so scared*

Anyway, I've come to the end of my HCD electives term at MBTS. I think I might have fallen head-over-heels with HCD. It is a very refreshing, motivating and enlightening major indeed. I think everyone should take Holistic Child Development courses, because children are so important to God. My HCD friends whom I will only meet again this time next year - bade me farewell... and congratulated me in advance for getting married. *ehem* I am actually not married yet... but probably, when we next see each other, I will be a Mrs. somebody...

Sobering thought.

The clouds settled upon the hilltops today. I had my 'head in the clouds' literally!



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