Saturday, July 3, 2010

Penang in July...

Never felt the nights so cool in a long, long while.

I can even sit in the room with a hot cup of tea...and not use the fan! Occasionally, the rain would suddenly pour outside... just as if a cloud has had enough of holding up all that water - and decided to um... relieve itself and answer nature's call. And I mean, literally!

I'm so glad Maeve decided to come next week, instead of during the blistering hot season. From Irish weather to the Penang island-oven - not very good. Even if it rains a little more than usual, at least, our Irish friend won't leave Penang next Friday with a sun-burnt face or worse still *gullllp* - sunstroke! :D Hehe, I feel so responsible for making sure that she doesn't over-heat...



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