Friday, July 23, 2010


Guess what? Tomorrow's Friday!

Duh... :P

Yet another night's sleep closer to this:

Hehe... Reunion. But before that, he said that I have to do God's work first.

It was a very hot day in Warsaw today. I felt like I was back in Malaysia already. Now, I am hoping for some rain tonight. Besides all that, I am really glad to be in Poland. Michael, the organizer, shared with us a testimony of the many difficulties he had faced putting the whole program together... and how he had intended to postpone the missions camp to next year - but somehow God made everything finally fall into place! Amazing. I am thankful myself, that it wasn't postponed. It has been indeed a very enriching experience coming here - learning from one another as well as from our lecturers, encountering a different country and culture, moving out of my comfort zones and serving God with brothers and sisters in Christ whom I've never met before (but will meet up in Heaven for sure... even if not now, then in the future). I can only look forward to more.

Today, I re-read the story of Moses and the Burning Bush in Exodus 3:1-9, preceding God's call to Moses to bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt. What struck me was not the burning bush (I mean I've read this story quite a few times already) but verses 3-4.

'So Moses said, "I must turn aside now, and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up." When the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush...'

I don't know about you - but those 2 verses brought me much comfort. How God had the attention of Moses, even though the burning-bush probably had nothing to do with the calling. Why use a bush? We are not sure why... but the burning and yet unconsumed bush certainly caught Moses off-guard. It was out of the ordinary. And when God was sure that Moses was looking, He called him.

I am in a season of re-discovering the call of God upon my life.

The last time I searched, it was 6 years ago. 6 years later, I wouldn't say that my vision has changed that drastically. I still am pretty passionate about what I was passionate about 6 years back. However, these 6 years have done a lot for me and to me...I've been stretched, bruised, knocked down... and yet, picked up, nourished, nurtured and encouraged in many ways. Therefore, I feel like I need to recapture or refine the vision. This time, things should be clearer than before - what with the developments that have taken place in my life so far - I just need to know how they connect to the big picture - and how to get there from here. At least, I know that I am getting married soon.

Dr. Sunny says... the relationships in our lives alter our initial plans and directions... and God often puts us in strategic relationships (of course this includes family, friends and acquaintances), so that we don't run onto the wrong roads. Dr. S is right. Things would have been a lot different if I were single today. Not that being single is wrong - but for me, I can see now why I work better married...

I need some sort of burning bush experience... and then I need God to speak... and tell us to go or stay.



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