Thursday, July 8, 2010

The most problematic course ever...

Introduction to Pastoral Counseling.

The most problematic assignments I've ever had.

First of all, I accidentally deleted the typed-out transcript for my taped counseling session (lazy to explain details now) once - thank God for Chik Bu's efficient transcribing software that helped me to re-do the whole transcript in 3 hours - otherwise it would have taken me another 6-7 hours.

Secondly, while I was doing both critiques required for the course, I was depressed and troubled over other issues, so you can imagine how unmotivated, uninspired I felt. Boo hoo hoo....

Thirdly, my CD-player suddenly conked out... so I couldn't play the CD and listen to Dr. Jones' recorded interview... and my rancangan tergendala sekali lagi (if you don't get what I am talking about, it's OK. LOL. Bear with me a while)... Thank God for Vanessa, otherwise I will be in big, big trouble... coz one of my critiques depended on it.

Then a dear friend from Ireland, Maeve, came over to Penang, so I had to stop all work to take her out. I know she wouldn't have minded if I hadn't - but I just really, really wanted to spend more time with her. Praise God that James Wong is on a holiday - so he could help me drive Maeve all around Penang and visit the famous food places (after some research on his part, beforehand)... otherwise, I would have been fully STRESSED!

(I haven't mentioned spending money yet... but it's stressing me out too... and please pray for my finances people.)

Even during the submission of the assignments I had problems. Gah! - and yes... I am still having problems... The files won't load! Like yeah....

*Frustrated* Punches the air.

Dot dot dot.



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