Friday, July 9, 2010

Night time serenade...

Ben sent me 'Smoke gets in my eyes' ...and I am playing it over and over again in my little room.

Paused the music for a while... Somewhere out there... in the stillness of the night, some flutey music echoes...

I always think it's cool in a way staying in a block full of multi-cultural families and individuals. You never know what you'll hear next. Be it weird music, sounds of some TV programme going on... people talking in various dialects and languages, the excited chatter of children, the flushing of a neighbour's toilet, someone taking a shower in the middle of the night, religious chants foreign to me, cars and motorbikes moving in and out of the compound... and yes, now that the World Cup season is on... loud boos and cheers from the people gathered at the mamak stall downstairs to watch the games...

Could someone else be feeling as sentimental and nolstalgic as I? Right at this very moment?

I can only imagine.



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