Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Nearly fell asleep in class today :P ~ but I wasn't the only one...

Tomorrow, I will try to bring a coffee-mug to school... so that I can drink coffee in class. *_*
Today, I experienced God's mercy and grace. Firstly, Lydia texted me to let me know that she prayed for me. Then Vanessa felt God impressing upon her heart to pray for me - not only once...but 3 times... so she prayed with me after luncheon... I felt so blessed with such sweet friends and sweet prayers. Actually, I have been feeling a little lost since the new term started... what with having to rush assignments, my fiance's gone over to the States (we won't know when we will next meet in person - he may only be back after I've gone off to Poland for missions) - so many distractions, lack of sleep and gosh, I've been feeling as if God has given up on me since I have been 'on strike' when it came to a certain 'issue'...

Now - as in right now, I feel this...

... God loves me... no matter what.
.........and He isn't faraway. I mean, He is even greater and bigger than the Universe... How can He be that faraway? His arms can probably embrace the whole earth with all of us still on it. No wonder He is an omnipresent God!

Psalm 139. Where can I go from Your Spirit?



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