Monday, June 7, 2010


Guess what? I have no more Monday off-days for a while... So for the next few's gonna be Monday to Friday of 8.00am-4.00pm classes.... then ministry stuff on Saturdays... and Youth (+/- worship team) and church on Sundays...

First day of STCM (School of Trans-cultural Missions) term. Morning classes.... a rush for lunch... worship practice... afternoon classes....

...and now I am back home, dying for a good cup of coffee....and bracing myself for the long evening ahead... Tomorrow, I will have to hand up my Exodus paper. I have still a quarter way to go.

However, all that aside, I really want to give thanks to God for 2 things:

1. For preserving me and my car from tumbling down the 'cliff' - in a minor accident somewhere around the Mount Erskine curves... Seriously, now I know and believe with all my heart that my mission on earth has not been completed yet... and God does not want me to go Home to Him so soon. It was scary. I got distracted one split second - it happens after a long day - and before I knew it, my car was on the cement barrier that fences the road... A little more, and I would have driven straight off the edge and plunged or somersaulted down to, at least the death of my car, if not my own. Thank God for the barrier, thank God that I swerved just in time so that my front tyre (that was on the barrier) did not roll off the barrier ... but I got it back down onto the road... and thank God nothing happened to my car, although I did hear an obnoxious bump/crash somewhere... and I thought I felt my car tilt a little. I was definitely shaken after that incident. *PHEW* Thanks, to those of you who always pray for my safety and protection while I am driving to school... really appreciate it.

2. For a good worship practice this afternoon... although we only had half an hour. May He anoint our team to serve tomorrow morning.



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