Sunday, April 11, 2010


I ditched my homework the whole weekend =x

On purpose.

Was trying to relief some stress. I also realized that I'm starting to look like a little *........* :P (Daniel Song, one of our youths, accidentally called me 'Aunty' today...much to my horror. I thought I was supposed to be called che-che Grace?!??) I better start exercising properly from next week onwards.

Then I found dandruff in my hair (or rather I was complaining about a little itch -I was afraid that some of the ticks from the 2 puppies we had in my car yesterday had gotten into my hair and was feeling extremely sensitive to any kind of sensation on my scalp! Ben looked at the roots of my hair and found the real culprit! NOT ticks or kutu, but dandruff. I must been having it for some time already this term...since the other day, Mark Tan commented that he thought he saw dandruff in my hair - but I didn't believe him - coz I never had a dandruff problem all my life.) For the first time in my life too! And it ain't funny. Small, itsy-bitsy powdery flakes, when I scratch my head. The stress must have given me an oily scalp (or isit supposed to be dry??) - and now dandruff has appeared! Not a serious issue definitely, but I am freaking out for sure! I hope it cures soon. I say TIDAK to dandruff!!! :(

Some of the highlights this weekend:

1. CG ... we got into Nehemiah chapter 4. It was a refreshing time of Bible study.

2. Lunch with Wei Nin, Louise and Ben today, after church... We ate at Mc-donalds Sunrise Tower. Savoured the fellowship loads. I also tried the Berry Mudpie Mc-flurry. LOVED IT!!! Those berry bits in the ice-cream, teamed up with the Oreo crumbs did wonders to a simple Mc-flurry. I find it is more interesting than just chocolate sauce and Oreo crumbs.

3. Watching Hachiko. It was so sad that I cried. Ben also cried. (So you have an idea how sad it was!) Very good way to release the pent up tears, I guess. Also, I again am looking to getting a dog one day.

4. Worship practice on Friday... was a back-up vocallist for worship today. Although, the musicians were slightly disorientated in practice on Friday, praise God that He made all things work together for good today. I had so much peace today.

Came down with a sore-throat after church though...

After a restful weekend, it's time to go back to work for Tuesday's deadline. And Wednesday's. And Friday's.

Countdown to 15th May: 34 days! I've got alot of work to do till then! Pray for me please!!!



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