Friday, April 9, 2010

Augustine of Hippo

... That's my research topic for Church History 1.

Today, I didn't manage to do much. Something (a big hoo-hah) came up after lunch that made me super-duper worked up, frustrated, peeved, depressed, disappointed etc *insert all kinds of negative emotions you can think of*. I was so exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally after it was done.... that I took a long nap in the afternoon (in denial)...woke up, tried to get into my assignment... but ended up watching American Idol *Guiltified look* at night. Was engaged in this super LONG telephone conversation after American Idol that pushed me to my limits, kind of - so emotionally tired I am right now.

Basically I had a long, weepy sort of day. Sorry for being vague. I am just too tired to explain. And it's too private.


Pig said...

*huggies* I'm here if you need me k?


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