Friday, April 23, 2010


Phew... For once I am able to finish a draft of my B.I. homework a few days before the that Dr. Lawson can have a look through it and tell me how to improve my assignment before I pass up the final draft of it this coming Tuesday...

Will be seeing Mr. Wong KC discuss my Exodus paper. Apparently, we still have a chance to make changes to it before we say "Enough is enough." Even though the deadline for this paper is long over...and I was supposed to have passed up my 'final' draft quite a while ago. You see how gracious and generous he is... :P

Today I was sick. Dizzy and stomach ached. Plus, I hurt my neck...yet again. Suspect that the hurt neck caused all the dizziness. Hope tomorrow, I will be ok... coz I cannot afford to miss classes.


sophia said...

I'm really not getting it...why are professors so tough in seminary school? All you need is a good knowledge of the bible,a dn the heart to serve the lord...just give you an easy A already! >.<

Grace-Melody Moo said...

Hahaha!:P I wish that too...but apparently how we tackle our assignments also says alot about our attitude and faithfulness...Sloppiness and a dont carish attitude is bad for the ministry in the long run. it's alot of character building in the midst of just studying you know.


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