Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Some people...
...scare me...

...and make me wonder if I am really that phlegmatic and passive... or they are the aggressive people... Wheeww... @_@' ~ Obviously I'm referring to birds not of the same feathers as I. Boy, strange feathers do they have...

I prefer to take things a little slower. Am I being too careful for my own good? Am I? Am I? But I really don't feel comfy about the way things are worr.... :( ... yet.

Can we like... slow down a little? Make sure it is the right thing to do before we proceed? Keep low profile first or something?

God, please arrest the progress of anything that is ahead of Your timing. Please. Have mercy. And please don't let me get into trouble for things that I did not approve...Shield me from unnecessary troubles.


sophia said...

Hm, not sure what's happening, but I'll join you in your prayer...


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