Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today, I felt so dreamy in class...

So weird... these few days God has been speaking to me in various ways... about the need for more hours spent working on my piano and writing per day... (of course amongst the many other areas in my life that I have yet to work on) The funniest part was that in chapel today, Dr. Vincent happened to be the one preaching. This was of course the first time I've heard him preach (amazing preacher). Apparently, whenever he preaches, he would use the analogy of a pianist. (Vanessa told me that he plays the piano pretty well too.) Today, he did illustrate his points in that manner. I was pretty blown away by his sermon on the Shermah. But more than that, I felt...

...a call to excel in both style and substance of my musical work. A call to devote myself to a continuous diligent endeavor of stewardship.

Indeed, God deserves and requires the 'unblemished sacrificial lamb' of our work. The very fat. Its first-fruits. Excellence. It isn't about perfectionism or showmanship... but honoring God with the best we can do.

Christians, we've got to constantly check on our worldview. Is our Christian worldview reflected through our work?


Today ushered in a new music project. Thank You God for yet another opportunity to learn and to allow Your glory to be shown. Align my heart and mind with Yours, Lord. Amen.



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