Monday, April 19, 2010

...and Monday ends...

Boo hoo! :'(

It's back to Biblical Interpretation tomorrow. Boo hoo. I've gotta see Dr. Lawson about my previous assignment tomorrow (d/t unsatisfactory 'structuring' of Philippians 1:27-30 *sigggggghhh*)... and it will be time to begin on the next assignment - to be handed up next week, Tuesday.

*In denial*

I feel like so far, B.I is my least favorite subject. Seriously. Even though it's necessary...I will be honest here... >.< The most tiring and tedious subject EVER. (I like our lecturer though. He must be such a brilliant man...) But we all know that 'no pain, no gain'... so now while the pain is GREAT and agonizing, let us be faithful and perseverent, that out of this will birth forth good fruits. Mmm....

I'm finding out more and more...that I am NOT a preaching kind of person. Hehehe. As in I don't think God has made me to preach. Give me discipleship anytime...



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