Tuesday, March 9, 2010


That dreaded Church History (part 1) paper today is now done and over with. *Gags* @_@ I don't know which recesses of my brain the learned facts from my textbook crawled into. When it was time to write the essay, my brain seemed to be turning somersaults - valiantly trying to regurgitate something for me to put down on paper. And the blood was draining from my face. Dot dot dot...

However I'd be honestly very ungrateful if I did not acknowledge that it was by God's grace I had managed to come up with some points. Thank You Lord! Apart from Him, I would have been floored!


I miss having good, long, heart-to-heart coffee-talks with my friends. Hehe. Recently, it seems like work has crowded out that part of my life quite a bit, in the past few weeks. Hope I'll be able to meet up with more people 2 weeks from now.

Yesterday's chit-chat with Nellie at QB was refreshing indeed. I feel MORE normal now! :D



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