Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In the middle of the night....

boy... I actually like having to do book summaries.

Speed-reading is great - you don't have to read in depth. Scan through...pick out some examples...You just summarize and summarize and summarize... pluck a quote from here... and another from there... piece everything together so they make sense... paraphrase and voila! :P

Not much thinking required too...

It reminds me so much of primary school. We used to have to keep a buku rekod bacaan (reading log), in which we had to keep a record of the books we've read from the school library. There's one section in each page, whereby you had to produce a synopsis of the particular book read.

Sigh. Anyway, I have gotta return to my book summary...

Meeting up with Rachel in the morning for brunch. Hopefully I get at least half of the work done by then. Hardy har har...



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