Thursday, March 18, 2010

Answer the questions honestly....

I was tagged. So whoever reads this, you are tagged too - and it's up to you to answer the questions. I'm just doing it for fun myself...

1.What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
--- Red bean pao...yummy.

2.Where was your profile picture taken?
--- Paragon City hotel, Ipoh...

3.Can you play guitar?
--- Yes... I think so.

4.Name someone who made you laugh today?
--- Ben :)

5.How late did you stay up last night and why?
--- around 4am... OT survey assignments had to be completed, or else....

6.If you could move somewhere else, would you?
--- UK, Scotland or Ireland :P but, being in Malaysia is good too...

7. Ever been kissed under fireworks?
--- I can't remember... *_*

8. Which of your friends lives closest to you?
--- Ai Hua, Quan Young + Ruth... I can only think of these few people now...

9. Do you believe exes can be friends?
--- I guess so.

10. How do you feel about Dr Pepper?
--- I like it.

11. When was the last time you cried really hard?
--- Hmmm... must be last weekend.

12. Who took your profile picture?
--- Ben

13. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
--- Ben :P

14. Was yesterday better than today?
---'s always better than more day to spending eternity with Jesus :D

15. Can you live a day without TV?
--- yes, I hardly watch it nowadays...

16. Are you upset about anything?
--- 'upset' is a subjective word. Can't say that I am happy with everything, and that's the truth.

17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
--- Of course! We are relational beings (quote Dr. Sunny)... :P

18. Are you a bad influence?
--- I hope that filling in this questionnaire doesn't count as being bad influence!!! :D

19. Night out or night in?
--- depends on my mood... but I usually opt for night in.

20. What items could you not go without during the day?
--- my handphone...

21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
--- Ai Choo...

22. What does the last text message in your inbox say?
--- "I'm so stuck..." @_@'

23. How do you feel about your life right now?
--- I am really blessed to be born for a time such as this... :D

24. Do you hate anyone?
--- hate is a strong word...I don't think I hate anyone. Let's just say that I am trying my hardest to love some people...

25. If we were to look in your face book inbox, what would we find?
--- messages...from friends...

26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass?
--- of course...

27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
--- yeah :D Out of sarcasm :P

28. What song is stuck in your head?
--- Malay songs :) really nice ones...

29. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be?
--- my sister, Zoey

30.Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50?
--- Erm, looking at my age now...and I am not yet married... I don't know it that would be ever possible :D

31. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
--- Drive to MBTS and hand up assignments... also, to teach piano.

32. Do you think too much or too little?
--- TOO MUCH. Way, way too much.

33. Do you smile a lot?
--- =)... hehehe, does laughing count?

34. How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?
--- dunno... countless...

35. If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you be?
--- I don't know... an American Top Model maybe...

36. Facebook or Twitter?
--- Facebook

37. Chicken or Beef?
--- depends...

38. Mac or PC?
--- anyone will do...

39. Have you ever punched anyone in the face?
--- Moi??? *puts on the most innocent look* Now, I can't remember :P But I don't have that violent tendencies...

40. Have you ever been punched in the face?
--- never punched... but slapped, yes :)


sophia said...

SOO long! But I'll try some of them...

1. Chocolate-covered almonds

3.Can you play guitar?
--- No. My dad's fault. He thinks it's for boys.

4.Name someone who made you laugh today?
--- The bloggers I met today!

5.How late did you stay up last night and why?
--- around 3am. I was eating and reading stuff online. hee hee.

6.If you could move somewhere else, would you?
--- San francisco. Grace, come here!!!

7. Ever been kissed under fireworks?
--- You crazy What kind of question is this?

14. Was yesterday better than today?
--- Uh, your answer was perfect so I'll follow yours. :-)

15. Can you live a day without TV?
--- I don't have TV and I'm still alive, so yes.

16. Are you upset about anything?
--- My unproductiveness!!!

17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
--- What kind of relationship?

18. Are you a bad influence?
--- What the hell?! Of course not!! I'm the best influence in the world, man!

19. Night out or night in?
--- night in. And don't disturb me or I'll kill you.

20. What items could you not go without during the day?
--- laptop.

23. How do you feel about your life right now?
--- I am really blessed to be born for a time such as this... :D ---> ME TOO! :D

24. Do you hate anyone?
--- No. I never hate anyone and if I do, it's just for a few minutes until my temper cools down.

29. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be?
--- The Grim Reaper

30.Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50?
--- No. Never. I don't want kids ever.

31. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
---Church! :D

32. Do you think too much or too little?
--- TOO MUCH. Way, way too much. --> high five, girl...

33. Do you smile a lot?
----Not reallly...I'm kinda serious. lol

34. How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?
--- too much because of ridiculous tags like this, hahaha!

38. Mac or PC?
--- Mac, baby!

39. Have you ever punched anyone in the face?
--- Not in the face...but punched people a lot. Kicked a hole through the wall once.

40. Have you ever been punched in the face?
--- In the stomach once, but not the face. I'm too pretty. :-)


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