Monday, February 8, 2010


I've been eating too much Mc'donald's and KFC lately. Not good, not good... Gained weight already. *sticks out tongue and tries to look innocent but fails* I don't feel like I am fat, but I hate to think that I gained weight eating Mc'donald's. It feels sooooo unhealthy. Yucks.

Sigh, fine. Alangkah baiknya, jikalau saya tidak perlu bimbang dan resah akan tabiat pemakanan saya. From tomorrow onwards, it's back to healthy, balanced meals. No more fast-food for a while. And definitely NO MORE Prosperity Burger. I feel so 'prosperous' now... at the waistline. @_@'

Was kinda unproductive today... and I have an exam on Wednesday! Feel like such a lazy bum! ARGH! The only productive activity I had today was my prayer-time.

Forgive me for the outbursts... Let's hope tomorrow will be a better day.

Guess what? I have to now save up for 2 mission trips this year, on top of my school fees. Dear friends, all your love-gifts are very much welcomed and appreciated :P Please keep me in prayer that the Lord will provide in His way la.



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