Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday - tiredness

Just came back home.

My day was so crazy, that my hands are actually shaking while I type this. Literally. Fine tremors. Can't really think straight anymore. Thank God, I've finished quiet time and praying for all the people I was supposed to pray for today. Coz I am too exhausted to do anything right now... except watch TV and do laundry.

Oh, did I mention? I now have a TV in my house, thanks to Ben's parents - who thought I would be bored out of my mind, when I am home-alone... and that it would be a good source of stress-relief. Since they now watch much less TV at home after they've given their lives to the Lord (spend more time in the Word, quiet-time and prayer - what a miracle!), they very kindly shifted the TV in their bedroom to my home specially for yours truly. I thank God for it - because now I can catch up with the news at least. However, I want it to remain a blessing, haha - so I mean to be very disciplined with my TV-watching and limit myself.

Boy, I feel so spoiled! :D

I love my boyfriend's parents.

Whenever I visit Ben's home, his mum always has something to share with me - about something special the Lord has done for her that week. About how He had taught her from His Word, the wisdom He had given Ben's dad and herself about a particular situation, or a prayer answered. I was surprised last weekend, when Ben's mum gleefully showed me her Bible-study journal, in which she records down her daily lessons and reflections... in English - a language she is not particularly familiar with! How did she learn to do that, if not for God? Her childlike faith, clear understanding of the Word and passion for God constantly amazes and humbles me. Lord, I praise You for Your work in this beloved family!

Indeed, a family can never stay the same with the Lord's presence in it. He makes faces shine and fills the house with joyful laughter.


Pig said...

Only one word - AMEN! :D

weelyn said...

yup! AMEN indeed!! :) amazing how God transforms lives..


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