Monday, December 21, 2009

Shop til' you drop...

What a day...

Trudged around Queensbay for God-knows-how-many-hours, running errands and shopping for presents. Poor feet - can't feel them now. Poor wallet - it feels too light for words!:D *chuckles*

Not that I ended up with that many purchases! I spent more time being fickle-minded... comparing prices of merchandises from shop to shop, brand to brand... cocking my head to one side, trying to decide whether to pay money or not... and feeling bad that most of the stuff I that I really wanted to buy are ridiculously overpriced, despite the grand sales and 50-70% discounts (can't be helped!) Mostly hunted for presents for my immediate family members... coz I am really on super-tight budget. So sorry people, if I miss anyone out this year. Hehe.

Next year, I'm going to have to start skimping on food expenses, since the petrol prices are going to go up by New Year (heard that gov's no longer subsidizing petrol costs) and so, my budget will have to be restructured. No lunching at school for the coming term. Will bring packed sandwiches and fruit from home or something. Wait for the ravens to bring me bread and meat. Praise God somehow... that my savings from this year will last me another 3 months or so. I believe He will stretch it again when it is time.

Amazing huh? :) It's been 6 months of depending on God's mercy and lovingkindness. He provides me my daily bread somehow... through the most random people (I could have never done without their love-gifts! Thank you so much!). Like I said before, although it is certainly scary when funds slowly run out (and I really dislike asking people for money too :P) God knows my heart struggles and never fails to meet my needs on time. Am thinking of tent-making to earn some keep (especially with the mission trips coming up), but at the moment, the workload from seminary and ministry don't seem to permit a fixed job... but, oh well - may God bring me wisdom and ideas in His time.

If you are thinking of hiring someone to write, compose songs, design t-shirts (or other similar stuff - no graphic designing on PC coz my programs are out-dated), or etc - please do drop me a note! :D I just might be able to do it. Exception: I probably won't have the energy and capacity to deal with kids though.

Otherwise, I am still contented with your prayers.

Neways, I digressed. Guess what I am going to use to contain/wrap the gifts? :) Old shoe-boxes and the glossy pages of old magazines... Plus, I've got loads of unused crepe paper, ribbons and other cool recycle-bles in my drawers. (Yeah, I'm a hoarder!)



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