Now, I am viciously attacking the gigantic Dragon fruits...ALONE *burrrp* ~ thankfully, there are only 2. Gagging at the rest of the fruit. My stomach is already quaking... for the loo... ok, ok, now if you will please excuse me....
ARGH, my hands are purple... from peeling the purple-fleshed dragon fruit!!! And the stain won't be removed by soap! @_@' ~ didn't realize this till I had some time - on the throne - to examine my palms.
It has been a busy, eye-opening weekend. Ran loads of errands, wrapped presents, attended a Christmas barbeque on Saturday night at Putra Palace (gathering of Ben's friends from Avago, his ex-company --> I felt like a fish in a strange aquarium - thankfully, I made some lady friends and was able to goo-gaa with their babies and toddlers), brought a friend to church, etc.
Dropped by Ben's Cube at work on Sunday evening after church, to play with his guppies... (yes, he has one in his office cube!) Technically, I didn't play play with them... I just watched Ben messing around with his new toy (the pump), cleaning the aquarium, rearranging the interior decoration of his aquarium (the plants) and feeding the fish...while the cute lil' fishies swam round and round their aquarium... Plus, one of the mother guppies just gave birth to 9 cute baby guppies last week - Ben's separated them into another container (just in case the cold-blooded fishes eat their own kids) - we fed the babies fish-food crushed into powder.
We wound up in Teo Chew Meng for dinner on Sunday night (too tired to go for the Penang Times Square Christmas celebration thingy...) - omg! The food there was superb... I MUST go back there again some day to try the other dishes they serve... I had the pork and fish-ball soup noodles last night - the soup was SO GOOD... and the fish-balls were smooth and springy - exactly how they should be like! :) We shared a plate of stir-fried baby cabbage too. The vegies were still a beautiful green, not overcooked or over-oily... They have one branch in Bayan Baru (Sunway Tunas - just a few doors away from Tai Kea restaurant - this was where we ate last night) and one branch in Georgetown.
This was Ben waiting for his food...
This was Ben waiting for his food...
I think you should be a supermodel look really good in pictures wey!!! posing and posture and emotions are like really hawt :p ONly thing you're very shy! :P
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