Wednesday, October 14, 2009

That random vomit-inducing sweet...

Today, Vanessa offered me a lozenge during chapel - which I politely accepted. Without thinking (I was too sleepy to remember to sniff at it ~ as I usually do), I popped the tiny brown pellet into my mouth.

I was no doubt wide-awake after that. I spent the next 5 minutes making faces at Derek and Dong Hoon. I bet I scared them.

Sorry, dear Vanessa... @_@ But the lozenge tasted horrid. Actually it smelled horrid too but I obviously did not get to smell it. Derek and Dong Hoon were way smarter than me. They sniffed at the lozenge, saw my face and absolutely refused to eat them. I only wish I had their sensibility.

I on the other hand was not only NOT smart. I was too curious for my own good. Despite wanting to spit the lozenge out, I kept it swirling around in my mouth to try to see if there really wasn't anything to like about it - then chewed it up *crunch, crunch* just to make sure that I did not miss out on any hidden yummy flavour.

Curiosity killed the cat. Meow.

I was sick all throughout chapel. The lingering, sickly sweet after-taste of the lozenge, which could not be washed down by drinking water, was gross and nauseating. I thought it reminded me of a cross between those yucky black herbal 'potions' my mum used to force down our throats when we were younger (they were supposed to be good for us - but I always think otherwise!), something at the dentist's and dish-washing detergent. (I've drunk detergent before, so I know - no worries, I don't do things like that anymore.) I kept gagging too. What a sensational experience.

I am not exaggerating, just so that you know!

Thank God for the mung-bean soup they serve at the cafeteria on Wednesdays, after missions chapel service. Despite being uncomfortably full after downing one bowl of it, (I finished a whole bottle of water in the chapel too), the nausea gradually subsided. Phew!

I applaud Vanessa for her loyalty to this brand of lozenges! - I can't even quote the name of it. But it's supposed to contain some potent herb to relief sore throats.

Guess I'll stick to Strepsils and Fisherman's Friend after this.



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