Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Past few days...

... have been tough. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

Dislike it when the weight of assignments becomes so great that it knocks my quiet-time, music-time and rest-time out of order. Feel like my life is upside-down somehow. Crankiness, emo-ness, tears, wackiness etc, etc... all oozing out of me at one go! Like juice coming out of a squeezed fruit. I'm thinking - orange.

I get so exhausted sometimes - what with classes, after-school activities, assignments and other work... Yesterday, I fell asleep while praying, kneeling. @_@' Leaned my elbows on the edge of my bed to support myself, rested my head upon my clasped hands and went into snooze-mode.

Not to mention, before I went into snooze-mode, I caught myself praying gibberish. Was starting to wonder why my sentences were sounding so disjointed. And why the stuff I was saying did not make sense. Couldn't comprehend myself.

Sorry, God. >_<

I'm past doing survey and outline for the 4th book out of the 12 OT books we are supposed to complete and hand up by the 29th of Oct. I think I'll sleep after this one.



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