Monday, September 21, 2009

The week begins

Dawn awakens in a few hours time. I shall be celebrating a new today. What new mercies will it bring?

...Perhaps, pain-relief for my right arm and hand. I hurt them over badminton today. No swelling. No discoloration. No increased temperature of skin over injured area. Just an intense ache, tenderness to touch, a little soreness of joints, and the scary inability to grip or coordinate fine movements of the hand and fingers. So much so that my right arm does not feel like a part of me. Mysteriously estranged from the rest of my body. But I must say that I did enjoy playing crazy badminton games with friends after a long time of doing more 'individual' sports. Cherished the precious moments and company. Even though we spent alot more time picking up dropped shuttle-cocks towards the end of the 2-hour-session out of exhaustion! *laughs* Smashing shuttle-cocks into the net too!

...Perhaps, the ability to drive to school and play the piano for praise-and-worship tomorrow at Vision Camp even despite the unrelieved pain. I've got faith for that.

...Perhaps, the opportunity to witness a work of God's hand upon even one heart.

...Perhaps, the privilege to tell someone that His love reaches beyond borders and endures forever.

...Perhaps, the courage to pray for a sick person to be healed.

...Perhaps the grace of being able to be patient despite someone else's flaw. The compassion to understand and not be legalistic.

...Perhaps the hushed heart made steadfast to wait. Especially when my mind chews on unnecessary fears that make it worry.

...and the simple joy and unsurpassed peace of remembering that He holds me in the palm of His hand.



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