Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday ~ 22.9.2009

A beautiful day, as expected. The pain in my arm had subsided quite a bit in the 4 hours of sleep I had - so I could drive to school with no problems. Played the piano for chapel worship too. God made my fingers alive! Despite not being able to grip and coordinate finger movements last night, I can say that I played the heavy keys... phenomenally... because the muscles were working like clock-work. Strange. When I still can't rub my own nose properly yet.

I honestly think that it was a miracle. Thank You, Lord!

To those who prayed, I am very grateful.

Presentation went well today, with minimal hiccups. God made things work together - even all our imperfections... The audience actually enjoyed it! We also hope that it was a fragrant offering unto the Lord. My team was awesome. I love my team-mates for the 'heart' and dedication they had put into rehearsing the song the whole of last week, even if it meant staying back a few hours after school was over to sing, "Testify to Love"! These amazing people have been a source of encouragement and joy to me indeed! Kevin, Mark and Tina ~ Good job, peeps! :)



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