Sunday, September 20, 2009

Momentarily distracted...

Yes. I am. A teeny-weeny bit.

God, be Thou my vision. Give me a heart renewed.

A shiny day outside. Birds chirp. A breeze combs through the trees and bushes in wild abandon. I feel like a nap.

I'm suffering from sleep debt.

Youth service this morning went ok. I ran the first session of the SHAPE course. Thought I'd be having the jitters, but strangely I did not. The youths were quite engaged in the whole thing. I was amazed. How great is the grace of God. The youths are a lovable bunch, although I am not familiar with all of them yet. Rowdy and giggly at times, yes. But still, a cool crowd nonetheless. Love serving in the YM, even though I can't sleep in on Sunday mornings after late Saturday nights of CG. God, is this what they call passion? Show me.

Thanks for the prayers, guys.


There's a new book on my book-shelf. 'The Ministry of Music' by Kenneth W. Osbeck. It is a comprehensive textbook covering various areas of church music ministry, spiritual concepts of sacred music and all phases of history in church music, providing practical suggestions for working with various age-groups. An excellent book for people working in the music ministry, particularly leaders. I'd highly recommend it.

Will be back in church in the afternoon. Going for the 3rd service too. Is there time for a nap?



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