Sunday, August 16, 2009


Spent the whole day working on translations... English to Malay. Grrr. I still have loads of work to do, and I have yet to finish writing out my own testimony in solid Malay!:D Haha. Thanks for prayers, dear people.

Just returned home from a church renewal service. Rev. Chew Tow Yow's sermon was really challenging. I liked it because it was real good 'meat' and like Ben said, it makes one think. Before the service, my CG members and I went for a quick bite at Super Tanker. After service was over, Mell, Louise, Wei Nin, Pauline, Kok Loon, Ben and I went to a mamak stall for supper :) I had iced-milo (as usual) and roti canai - which left me full and satisfied. (I've been eating alot today...but I thought that it wouldn't do me much harm to fatten up a little before I exit my comfort zone, for mission-trip next week - hehe...*Sheepish laughter* --> Excuzies-schmuzies...) It was fun! We stayed there and chit-chatted a while before parting ways for home.

Funny but true - I haven't gained any weight these few weeks of not exercising much (the most I do is 30 minutes of dancing in front of the mirror, 2 times a week) and eating proper meals with light snacks in between to curb gastritis. LOLx. I finally feel normal after years and years of fluctuating weight. This year, my weight's been pretty stable. Never any weight-gain beyond 1kg from my current weight - unless I have water retention, and no drops either. I've been maintaining my weight at this exact point - which makes my BMI 20. Praise God for healing to my body that everything is starting to function properly, since everything went down-hill in year 2000.

Tomorrow's our Church anniversary thanksgiving Sunday service. I'm looking forward to the celebration of yet another year of God's faithfulness at Trinity. We are by no means a perfect church (no church is btw - not until the 2nd coming of Christ!:D), but I feel that God did transform many areas we would never have smoothened out on our own. Praise Him indeed. May He continue to strengthen the fellowship of our church family and do His work in this place:)



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