Monday, July 20, 2009

So blessed...

Today, Ben's parents delivered a small bag of apples and another small bag of fragrant, golden-brown, home-made fried cempedak (with Ben's mum's 'magic touches' to it - is that breadfruit in English?) to my place... :S

I felt like crying ler. *Touched* How thoughtful these dear people are! How kind the Lord is to me, to bring so much love through them. Unexpected gifts, hand-made with so much care.

You see, why I am not lacking in nutrition?:P God never fails to provide when we trust in Him.

I'm still wondering how to bless them back...may God reward them richly for feeding the 'hungry' :)


Lydia said...

For some reason, the food pictures always look good in your blog. I'm craving for goreng cempedak now!!! Man, i still remember the apam. Till now whenever i see or eat apam, i will surely remember you. LOL!!! Shall i call you Grace the apam girl :P

Miss u, gracey!! Muakss!!!


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