Monday, July 20, 2009


A lovely Monday. Had a very joy-filled weekend in the Lord.

We had combined CG on Saturday - Tairven's group and Ben's group... It was an amazing time of 'reunion', since we were originally from the same CG, before we multiplied. We had worship, bible-study, sharing and prayer... Then quality fellowship time - over ice-cream sundaes at Mc-donald's (way past midnight).

I'm currently sitting through a course in Youth Discipleship at school, and it is one amazing one! Alot of assignments - because it is an ultimately 3 credit-hours course...(FYI, 3 credit-hours does NOT mean 3 hours... we have classes from 8am to 4pm daily. It's just the amount of work we are assigned to do plus the number of hours we sit in class = 3 credit-hours!) but I'm loving it to the max, because discipleship is something I am really passionate about. Especially discipleship in students ministry. When Jesus gave us the Great Commission in Matt 28:18-20, He didn't talk much about evangelism... but more importantly, He told us to '..make disciples..." You can reach out to say a 100 people a year - but without discipleship and without discipled leaders to disciple these new believers, you may not be even left with any at the end of 5 years!

Reminds me of those days back in EN Dublin and Penang, when I worked alot with the students on campus.

Yvonne, a disciple I 'made' by God's grace - from our good ol' EN Dublin days, who is now 'making disciples'...Hehe. (No arrogance in saying that, because I know that God did all the work. I was just one of His tools for working in her life). I miss her. She's been also such a rock of encouragement and support to me back in those days I had Eating Disorders. So I guess God made it work both ways - between Yv and I. Woman of God, congrats on your graduation again... and keep up your good work for the Lord!

Pst. Ida (the lady on the right), one of my 'mothers in the Lord' - a beautiful and amazing woman of God, who discipled me and some other Christian women leaders back in EN Penang - before I came to Trinity... One of those whom I could really depend on to give wise and godly counsel. In the picture above, I was attempting to finish my assignments in Coffee Bean (needed some good coffee to keep me sane after quite some days of instant Nescafe), when she came to 'visit' me :D Was so touched!!! I love you, Ida!:)

And who came along with her? My juniors from college, who were graduating that week!:) Girls who've filled my life with joy back in PMC. Comrades back in our college Christian Fellowship. Really encouraged me in those days to see their love and desire for God.

Geez, I felt a little 'old' looking at that picture... My graduation seemed to be really long ago, although it has been just one year!

Back row, from left to right: Mei Ling, Shirley, Ai Jun, Karen, Yvonne, Jenny (Ida's daughter) and Pst. Ida.

An extremely busy week.



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