Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Being night owl...

Wednesday is almost over - but the night has just started for me, hehe. Yeah! You got it - the night is still young!

I know, I know - considering that I was into all the health thingy and med line, you'd think I would be seriously particular about getting the right amounts of sleep, sleeping at the right hours, etc. But really - erm, have you ever known me to be good about that?:P *guilty look* Haven't you heard - doctors make the worst patients?:P Ok, I may not be a doctor now - but bad habits diehard.

Anyway, thanks to all my PROCRASTINATION on some stuff (OCR, does that sound familiar? Tsk, tsk, tsk - I wish I had more than 2 hands), I am again the night-owl! @_@ *Goes off to make Mocha for herself*

There are ulcers in my mouth again!

Something exciting also came up, so now I will need to pray. Recently I've been discovering more and more that being an adult can be scary :D So many decisions to make, so many things to consider, plans, etc. Can no longer feel free to hang onto mummy's apron strings - (or dad's, in my case). Although I'm more than halfway through my 20s, I still feel like I am still a girl at heart sometimes... and not yet woman. :P *disturbing thought* There are still so many things I need to learn...and I fear that I am not down-to-earth at times. *Big grin* but then again, I believe that having faith in God would keep fear from rising. He is after-all, my Father. My Refuge. My dwelling place. My Lord, in whom I trust.

Mission team meeting tomorrow.



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