Friday, June 26, 2009

Yay, it's Friday!

Finished a report for the church Beacon very late last night... My tummy rumbled, and I was only too happy to have 2 plain Jacob's cream crackers with cheese on top, and a soothing cup of hot chocolate - before I dove into bed. What a treat! :D

Poor Ben came down with a cold. I am not too far from that myself, what with all the calamities going on in my oral cavity - ulcers, sore gums and stuff. (And I thought I just recovered from the flu not too long ago...In fact, that was just 2 weeks ago!) Therefore, I swept Vitamin C off a shelf at Watson's pharmacy today. There was some promotion going on in Watsons for Redoxon 1000mg, but since this is the first time I am buying Vitamin C *guilty look*, I am not sure how much lower the prices have gone.

Paid my electricity bill today, and was very thankful that God had provided for it through Lydia. Thanks, dear!

Cleaned my house (and did my laundry yesterday) - and I noticed that I've been shedding alot more long hairs from my head lately. I concluded that my body must be trying to get used to the new school term as much as my brain. (Plus I had an infection lately.)

Happy Friday, people! And have a great weekend! :)


Kevin Evans Tay said...

ur latest post is talk about HEALTH. mine too... haha

Anonymous said...

Haha, oh Grace, I hope you get some much-needed rest! your hair never lies!

Grace-Melody Moo said...

that's the bad part... I wish it would :P


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